I thought about it alot and came to realize that it was just loveless sex and thats why it did nothing for me. I had had a few shots and didn’t really want to have sex but she really wanted to so I obliged. I think also that daily pornography/masterbation had me sort of desensitised, its hard to explain really. After that night I don’t even feel the need to look at porn anymore and masterbate way less also.
It turns out that this girl really likes me and we started going out. We had sex again afew days ago and now that I have feelings for her it was 10 times better.
But anyways, for all the virgins out there: don’t have sex just for sex. Its a waste of time and you will regret it.
Originally Posted by r0ad_h0gg
It would be interesting to know if any intact men (uncircumcised) have reported similar problems (I doubt it). Ratrat, in my experience, infant circumcision (especially a tight circumcision) causes major reduced sexual pleasure in both intercourse and masturbation. I wondered what the big fuss was all about the first time I had sex myself. It was pleasurable, but nothing compared to what I thought it was going to be like. After doing years of foreskin restoration, finally now I know what the big fuss is all about. Growing just enough shaft skin to keep the inner foreskin remnant protected (while flaccid) has made a tremendous difference for me in what I experience in terms of sexual pleasure and sexual orgasms. I never had an earth shaking full body orgasm until I was thirty two years old (a result from doing foreskin restoration). I know this for a fact because I had been with the same woman for six years at that time. Imagine that - having a so so sex life with your wife for six years, and then with several months of foreskin restoration to having a completely awesome and totally satisfying sex life! To say the least, she and I were very pleased with my results of doing foreskin restoration. I would be in total sexual bliss for hours afterward (sometimes even in to the next day). It was complete sexual satisfaction and contentment like I never had known was even possible.
I am circumcised and I find this very interesting. Thanks, I will look into this.
Also, sorry offtopic… How do I become a full member? I would like to post in the members forum.