I feel the same way about PE that Andrew69 does. I’ve learned so much here that has opened my mind, my heart, and on top of it all, I continue to grow a bigger dick. Why wouldn’t I want to share this in a public forum? I’m not ashamed of it. If you got it, flaunt it. Right? What has worked for me may work for some others.
Although I think if Thunder’s wasn’t here I would still be P’E’ ing for myself. Before I discovered this
“Mercedes” of the PE forums, I did PE on my own, with no support, for almost five months to counteract my ED, and it worked!!! I had studied 150 pages on PE that I had taken off the net.
But a support group makes this whole process so much easier and so much more fun. That’s why I’m still here. And I’ve made some awesome friends here.