Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Short manual stretches throughout day



>so, the way I see it, these short stretching sessions should be done daily, even on the rest days?<

I do piss-pulls every day, so yes IMO. The only time you wouldn’t is if they caused pain or major discomfort, and you actually needed full rest.



Regarding the stretches, whatever stretch I’m doing, I usually use my left hand and clamp the very base of my penis with right hand. Then as I’m pulling or bending (A or V Stretches), I’m pulling my hand-made clamp (index finger and thumb) hard back against the public bone. I’m not sure exactly what I’m working, (tunica or ligs), but it sure has helped me. I do this (the clamp) before and during a dry jelq session—usually for a half hour a night. I’m always trying new approaches, so I didn’t start this until I had about a year’s worth of PE under my belt.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


Thanks guys for the replies! I checked out the page you listed SS4Jelq. I’ll let you know if it helps. Happy gains guys!

Then: 6.5" x 5"

Now: 8.75" x 6.125"

hehe nice, so you aren’t just PEing for yourself, but you are doing it for other people’s boners as well (and in public) ? :)

Originally Posted by horsehung
I’m pulling my hand-made clamp (index finger and thumb) hard back against the public bone.


I feel the same way about PE that Andrew69 does. I’ve learned so much here that has opened my mind, my heart, and on top of it all, I continue to grow a bigger dick. Why wouldn’t I want to share this in a public forum? I’m not ashamed of it. If you got it, flaunt it. Right? What has worked for me may work for some others.

Although I think if Thunder’s wasn’t here I would still be P’E’ ing for myself. Before I discovered this
“Mercedes” of the PE forums, I did PE on my own, with no support, for almost five months to counteract my ED, and it worked!!! I had studied 150 pages on PE that I had taken off the net.

But a support group makes this whole process so much easier and so much more fun. That’s why I’m still here. And I’ve made some awesome friends here.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg



BTW, when I was describing my “hand-made” clamp, I said I clamped my base tight against my pubic bone with the thumb and index—-wrong. I use the index and middle finger—big difference.

"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


darn I hate it when I try to be funny and someone is giving me a serious answer :)
In any case I feel the same way you do about PE in general and Thunder’s Place in particular (although I’m still somewhat new to all of this.. well let’s see what I’ll end up doing when my ligs are finally healed again :) ).


Just remember, ys, when your ligs are all healed up, sometimes “less is more” with PE.

That’s another one of the great things about Thunder’s, ys. We can joke around or get serious, depending on our mood.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


I was already doing _WAY LESS_ than I thought was ok.. and still ruined them by just not knowing eg. my PIs.. The final reason for perfecting my lig injury was - in fact - a 120% erection.. No stretching, no cockring, hanging, etc. just good ol’ measuring ;)
In any case this healing will prolly take some time since I’m trying to get those ligs healed without losing all of the “gains”.. Otherwise all the pain would have been in vain.

And yeah, that’s one of the most important things why Thunder’s Place was the first (and yet only) forum that I decided to read/write on _regularly_ and even support… And I’ve been online for 9 years now. :)


6 years!! Wow!!.

Don’t worry about the losses. Whatever loss you experience will bounce back fast once you recommence your routine. You’ll see. Have faith, pal. Just take it real easy until they’re totally healed. It’s so tempting to start prematurely, especially when that libido kicks in. It’s a powerful force—makes the world go around.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


Correction. I meant “9 years!” So this PE thing goes way back. I wish I had known about it 9 years ago. I think my sex life would have been a lot better. Oh well, better late than never.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


Hm lol, it looks like you are mistaken there.. I have been online since 9 years.. I haven’t been into PE 9 years, but into premature ejaculation most of this time instead.. See the other thread in the Main members’ Forum ;) .

Anyways.. Can’t… resist…. ARGH :)
It’s really getting better lately, mostly I feel thanks to the glutamine acid (which has some other beneficial as well as some few not so beneficial effects) even with my constant slight tinkering in the healing process.

going back to hide in his corner of “stupidly thinking he was very small all the years” _AND_ premature ejaculation (which still prevails…)

Originally Posted by wbassett
The idea of manual stretches after urinating reminded me of a similar PE exercise that I do whenever I have to pee. This is simply a PC muscle exercise to help in becoming multi-orgasmic, and is called “stopping the stream” (I got this from a Mantak Chia book called Taoist Sexual Cultivation). Basically, all you do is start to pee, inhale and squeeze the PC muscle to stop the pee, and hold with the breath for 8 seconds or so, and then continue to pee while exhaling the breath. You can repeat this ‘hold/release’ sequence until you no longer have to pee. The benefit is building control of the PC when fluid is passing thru the urethra (similar to during orgasm when semen is passing thru), and also the important coordination of breathing in the process. Anyway, I thought this might be helpful to maybe apply with manual stretching after peeing. You could make each trip to the restroom a PE practice time!

Um….wbassett, I think they call that a kegel.



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