Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Short manual stretches throughout day


Short manual stretches throughout day

My routine involves 10 minutes of manual stretches in the morning. I would like to increase the amount of time I stretch, but I can barely make it to 10 minutes before I need to stop. The skin under my head gets pinched when I stretch and becomes sore after ten minutes of stretches so I must stop.

Can I add short periods of stretches in throughout the day? Say maybe a 1-2 minutes stretch after I take a piss or something like that. Maybe I’m in my room doing homework or something, I can take a break and stretch for a few minutes. Will these short stretch periods throughout the day make a difference? Or should I really try and fit in a second 10 minute stretching period later in the day?

Thanks for the help guys!

Then: 6.5" x 5"

Now: 8.75" x 6.125"

Hi Darkhorse: Stretching after taking a piss is quite frequent I guess (among PEers at least!). Even if the previous hotting session is lacking, I think these gentle stretchings could not do any evil to the penis…but “recall” it the right direction to grow!
I perform this kind of stretching after each piss, no more than a minute, but this means almost 10 xtra minutes in the whole day.
Even if one is completely soft then, some dry jelq could also be done…
In short…I want it long!

Any evil reported about post-peeing stretching round there?
Thx in advance,


No para la exhibicíón, ni la contemplación, la quiero grande para la acción.

Ahora 19 x 15 (antes 17 x 12)

Hey, Darkhorse. As long as you are not overstretching, I think stretching periodically throughout the day is fine. I can’t say definitly as to whether or not it is helpful in the PE process. It seems to me that recovery time is key, and if you are doing it throughout the day it might cut down on the recovery time. Maybe someone who is a little more knowledgeable and experienced can back me up on this one.

The point I would make is, don’t overdo it. Being to amibitous in this area is not necessarily good for you and could set you back quite a bit. Ask ys, he’ll be the first to tell you that.



>My routine involves 10 minutes of manual stretches in the morning. I would like to increase the amount of time I stretch, but I can barely make it to 10 minutes before I need to stop. The skin under my head gets pinched when I stretch and becomes sore after ten minutes of stretches so I must stop.<

How long have you been PEing for? How hard are you pulling?
If you have to stop at 10mins you are either pulling too hard for your level of conditioning (doing too much too soon) or there is something wrong with your technique.

>Can I add short periods of stretches in throughout the day? Say maybe a 1-2 minutes stretch after I take a piss or something like that. Maybe I’m in my room doing homework or something, I can take a break and stretch for a few minutes.<

Yes, I recommend it.

>Will these short stretch periods throughout the day make a difference?<

Yes they will help, as you are re-stretching sections that had begun to heal.

>Or should I really try and fit in a second 10 minute stretching period later in the day?<

You can do this, but first resolve any issues around doing one session per day.



don’t remind me.

I’m down from any real PE until further notice.

(But hey, I can at least do some creative work now.. Like kicking great musicians in the ass in order to get their lame asses up and join a great fan-game project: Might and Magic Tribute => ).

She said you had a small dick huh? Well just remind her of what Tom Arnold said about his soon to be ex-wife, Roseanne, when she said very publicly that he had a little dick - "Hell, even a 747 looks small when you put it in the Grand Canyon". START: 2004-12-06 EBPL 6.70" BPEL, EG 5" CURRENT STATUS: Full Healing Break (Plasticized ligaments need time to heal -- Beware the rotating manual stretches ;) ) 2005-01-07 EBPL 7.68", EG 5" GOAL: EBPL 8.5" (ENBPL 7.9"), EG 6"

Sorry for bringing up such painful memories, ys. But take solace in the fact that not only will your pain and misery help you in the future, but also thousands of other fellow PE’ers. Yeah, ok, I wouldn’t fall for that one either……lol. I know it doesn’t make it feel any better. Pain is not always gain.


LOL nah everything’s fine.
My main focus changed from PE to more real life recently.. I’m not as obsessed with my dick size as I have been for years before doing PE.
Who would have thought I would finally find peace with my dick ;) when trying to enlarge it? Wicked to say the least :)

P.S: This doesn’t mean I’m totally out of it.. My envisioned goal is still there :)

She said you had a small dick huh? Well just remind her of what Tom Arnold said about his soon to be ex-wife, Roseanne, when she said very publicly that he had a little dick - "Hell, even a 747 looks small when you put it in the Grand Canyon". START: 2004-12-06 EBPL 6.70" BPEL, EG 5" CURRENT STATUS: Full Healing Break (Plasticized ligaments need time to heal -- Beware the rotating manual stretches ;) ) 2005-01-07 EBPL 7.68", EG 5" GOAL: EBPL 8.5" (ENBPL 7.9"), EG 6"

Fefo and ynarevith73,

Thanks for the comments guys! I guess I am a little ambitious, but I don’t feel a good stretch from just a 10 minute stretch session per day. I think I will do the short stretches and like ya’ll said “just don’t overdo it”. I’ll try only to do an extra ten minutes of stretching. Thanks again!


I’m in my 11th week of PEing, so you’d think I would be more conditioned. I think the problem lies in how I grasp under the glan. Basically I use the okay hand symbol (like jelqing) and I grab just under the glans. Where my thumb and forefinger meet, they pinch the skin there which becomes sore after 10 minutes of stretching. I can definitely feel the pull in the base of my dick, so I’m not just pulling the glans. If I try to move my hand further down the shaft I just pull skin. Can anyone explain how exactly they hold for manual stretches? I only pull hard enough to feel the stress in the base.

Thanks a million guys!

Then: 6.5" x 5"

Now: 8.75" x 6.125"

Originally Posted by SS4Jelq
>Will these short stretch periods throughout the day make a difference?<

Yes they will help, as you are re-stretching sections that had begun to heal.


This is strange. Aren’t we supposed to wait until penis heals before starting another workout? Wouldn’t this actually hurt gains, re-stretching what has begun to heal?

My thought is that most of the healing is done while you sleep. Also, I didn’t mention this before but I only doing these short stretches between my 10 minute morning stretch and my afternoon jelq session. I jelq around 3 so I have from 4ish until the following morning to recover from stretching and jelqing. Plenty of time I believe, but what does everyone else think?

Then: 6.5" x 5"

Now: 8.75" x 6.125"

Like VT says, much of the healing is done at night when asleep. Drinking lots of water is good for PE for more than health reasons: it will get you out of bed a couple of times during the night, giving you opportunites to pull on it while it’s busy healing.

The only draw back of stretching in multiple short sessions that I can think of would be the lack of warming up (not essential tho)


>Can anyone explain how exactly they hold for manual stretches?<

Try reading the thread below. It should automatically go to the relevant post, read that and the posts below it, it sounds like a similar solution would solve your problems. There’s a diagram of a stretch grip in there too.

Pulling straight out = new color for head


> This is strange. Aren’t we supposed to wait until penis heals before starting another workout? Wouldn’t this actually hurt gains, re-stretching what has begun to heal?<

No, if the part you have just stretched heals, some of your next session will be spent re-tearing the healed part. So you are doubling the work you have to do. So if we spread some stretches through the day we can counteract (somewhat) the negative aspect of the healing process (which is happening all the time, from the moment we stop stretching). The next proper session can then further stretch these areas, or put stress on any new limiting factors that have come into play as a result of the fibers being lengthened.


The idea of manual stretches after urinating reminded me of a similar PE exercise that I do whenever I have to pee. This is simply a PC muscle exercise to help in becoming multi-orgasmic, and is called “stopping the stream” (I got this from a Mantak Chia book called Taoist Sexual Cultivation). Basically, all you do is start to pee, inhale and squeeze the PC muscle to stop the pee, and hold with the breath for 8 seconds or so, and then continue to pee while exhaling the breath. You can repeat this ‘hold/release’ sequence until you no longer have to pee. The benefit is building control of the PC when fluid is passing thru the urethra (similar to during orgasm when semen is passing thru), and also the important coordination of breathing in the process. Anyway, I thought this might be helpful to maybe apply with manual stretching after peeing. You could make each trip to the restroom a PE practice time!


so, the way I see it, these short stretching sessions should be done daily, even on the rest days?

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