Shrinkage question
This question is mostly directed at PE success stories who started out small like I currently am:
Under 5.5” erect
Under 3” soft
Anyone else is free to chime in, but I’m most interested to hear from guys who were in my shoes.
All my adult life I’ve been extremely self conscious when getting out of a body of water. I know, I know, everyone gets shrinkage. But I REALLY get shrinkage. My normal flaccid state tops out at 3” long with maybe 3” girth, but after getting out of water I’m barely topping 1” and extremely thin. Like maybe the girth of one of those yellow highlighters. The second I get out of water I try to nonchalantly pull my swim trunks away from my body so no one sees my stub. Luckily I’ve never been openly laughed at, but I know girls have seen it. Even now as a married 35 year old with kids, if I get out of the lake when my mother-in-law is around, I’m still really embarrassed.
After reading through this site the last few days (I’m 3 days into PE), it sounds like most guys will at least experience flaccid gains. So I’m wondering how your post-gain shrinkage experience has been?
If anyone has other shrinkage stories, please share!