Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



Hello everyone! I am 25 and have just started PE for about a month or so, and wanted to ask a few questions I have been wondering. My back story is that I am only 5’3 tall and average dick 5.8 x 5.0 and have never had sex or dated anyone. My reasons were not because of my dick size, but because of my confidence in myself wanting to be taller and buried myself in getting a career. Soon after I realized that it doesn’t matter what other people think of me I am happy the way I am and my confidence grew tremendously, and with this everyone started to assume I have this giant dick and now I feel a great deal of pressure on me.

After I figured out that I don’t care what anyone thinks of my height and started living I started to attract women just purely by my confidence when I walked into a room. I started hanging out with a girl who kept hinting at me wanting to tell her my dick size to make sure I was “adequate” for her needs, and became self conscious again. On one aspect I feel as if she is extremely shallow and cares only about pleasing herself, which has turned me away from her. But, my confidence has been shaken and I now have a new hobby.

Quickly after I began jelqing and stretching I noticed I was getting longer than usual and was reading up to 6.1 or 6.2 in length. Then I was practicing edging lost control and ended up going too far resulting in cumming. And since then I have gone back to my original size.

My question is if anyone has experienced this or know what might be my problem might be? Also, when jelqing how hard are you pulling away from your body near the end of the jelq at the head?

You don’t have cemented your gains or you have overworked. Tunica albuginea is somewhat elastic and can behave that way if a too strong stress is imposed.

I don’t think edging has anything to do with your ‘shrinking’. Did you keep track of your BPFSL?

Marinera is right. The longer you stick with a PE routine, the more likely the gains become permanent or “cemented”. Edging shouldn’t have much to do with it, but your gains might have something to do with increased erection strength/blood flow from your PE workouts. This can vary from day to day or can decrease if you put too much stress on your unit after a workout.


It sounds to me like this girl that you refer to is in to you. The next time this chick starts to ask questions about your dick size .. Turn the conversation on her. Stand back a couple feet and look her up and down judgementally. Then ask her to turn 90 degrees so that you can see her profile .. Then after about 30 seconds of ogling her body .. Very matter-o-factly ask her to show you her tits just so that you can be certain that she isn’t wearing jel cheaters in her bra .. She will object .. Then you persist and say that it wouldn’t be such a big deal if she let you give one of them a gentle squeeze just to see if they were up to your standards .. Then start asking if there is a way that she can articulate or even verify the relative the tightness and overall quality of her pussy .. After all, you don’t want to be wasting any time on her if she does not have high quality hardware. You don’t have to be insulting .. Just be cocky and funny about it. She will roll her eyes or something like that .. But don’t let up. Keep going until she realizes how ridiculous she was being. In the middle of whatever response she comes up with, very abruptly (but politely) tell her that you need to go do something else or go talk to another person for a while .. And just walk away. I am willing to bet a car payment that she will either follow you or find a way to seek you out very soon.

I had been out of the dating world for 20 years when I got my divorce 6 years ago .. One of the young bucks at the Starbucks who I frequently talked to knew that I was starting to date because he saw me with different women at Starbucks. He told me to google a guy named David DiAngelo and read what he had to say about attracting women. It was a real eye-opener .. And I am here to tell you that this guy’s simple techniques really work well. It is not magic .. It is just simple common sense stuff that is just a little bit counter-intuitive. Read what he has to say .. Sign-up for his newsletter .. The majority of the content is free and the stuff that you pay for is WAY less money than you will end up spending on your PE gear.

With respect to your initial question .. I am still a newbie myself so take this with a grain of salt. My guess is that if you lost 0.3 inches of gains from jacking off one time .. The reason has far less to do with your cock shrinking and more to do with the likelihood that you are measuring inconsistently.


Starting (10 / 2011): 6.50 BPEL, 5.50 MEG

Current: 7.50 BPEL, 6.00 MEG

Goal: 8.50 BPEL 6.50 MEG

Printman, you have hit the nail on the head. Too often, little princesses think because they have the pussy, they have the power, and guys will buy into the game with drinks, praise, gifts, promises etc. And so the game persists.

Once you learn to turn the tables and make her feel as if she has to earn your approval, you will have much more choice.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

You said you were 5.8 then you got to 6.1 - 6.2 while edging, well when you are about to cum your dick gets 0.3 bigger so that justify the increase of size, try measuring it when you are masturbating first when you get a boner than when you are about to cum you’ll notice what I’m saying

Start BPEL 5.5 EG 5.2 09-20-2011

GOAL 7x6 - on a 5'5 guy it will look huge

Thanks for your replies
I of course like many newbies think I was over doing it the first week due to excitement and wanting fast results. Since then my mood has changed and have fallen into a more normal routine and am trying as hard as I can to not over train because it is so tempting to try and get fast results.

It’s funny you say that printman because I didn’t do exactly what you said, but it was similar pretty much telling her as respectfully as possible that it was unimportant and I like “smart girls” and how looks don’t matter to me. Then the very next time she was showing off her test scores on how smart she was.women so easily manipulated lol

My recent measurements for NBPFSL 5.8
And BPFSL is 6 1/4 which is definitely what I was missing so I will need to make sure my measurements are accurate

Once again thanks Ill be stopping by more often

I want to hear what is going on with this chick .

Starting (10 / 2011): 6.50 BPEL, 5.50 MEG

Current: 7.50 BPEL, 6.00 MEG

Goal: 8.50 BPEL 6.50 MEG

Originally Posted by gwedocat
I started hanging out with a girl who kept hinting at me wanting to tell her my dick size to make sure I was “adequate” for her needs, and became self conscious again. On one aspect I feel as if she is extremely shallow and cares only about pleasing herself, which has turned me away from her. But, my confidence has been shaken and I now have a new hobby.

Why would you let a woman do that to you. She is terrified that she will be a lonely, dried-up whore that nobody will love.don’t let her make you believe the same B.S. About yourself.
Just my opinion.

Talk her into anal—-she’ll think you’re toting a 4 D-cell mag-light

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