Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Sigh. I'm very frustrated guys : tips


Here is your problem, you have the wrong mentality. You need to look at PE like you would starting a bodybuilding routine, because with both, gains can take a lot of time, but when they come, when you accumulate them, they will be significant. You will spend many hours trying to achieve every fraction of an inch you get, so if this is something you want, prepare yourself by knowing it will take much time and effort and that you must be consistent and use the best technique you can (don’t half ass your jelqs, make every stroke count).

My goal is to be the best me, mind, body and soul, PE is part of achieving the best me.

Well all I can say is -hang on- and keep PEing, “rome wasn’t built in a day”.. Think I read that quote elsewhere, well anyways I’m new to PE, so I hope we can both pursue our GOALS and hope OUR parents won`t see us butt naked while doing PE, since I’m also 18, living in my parents house.. SUX I KNOW -_-“


Buy an extender and use it.

Started: NBPEL 5.5 == EG: 5

Current: NBPEL 7.5 == EG: 6

Goal: NBPEL 8 == EG: 6

I agree with most people here, keep doing it. I didn’t see any gains the first couple of months either. I had to do it for 4 months atleast before I saw an increase in length. Focus on the manual stretches if you want to get length first. Try doing more downward stretches since the commonly accepted wisdom is that newbies gain most by stretching the ligs which is done by stretching straight down.

It’s hard to believe that PE works when you keep putting in the effort day after day with no pay-off, but believe me it does. I used to be pretty pessimistic, but after doing 3 bursts of ~ 2 months of PE with long breaks between, I gained close to a half an inch in erect length. That may not be much compared to others here, but it is REAL to me and keeps me motivated.

Originally Posted by abc1555

I am 18 years old

You know men usually don’t stop growing tell there like 20 or 21 ruffle,I thank you have plenty of time to grow.The PE will just help you grow a little more and maybe a little faster.

5/27/09 start>>> BP Length 5.5 NBP 5 Girth 5.5

7/16/09>>> BP Length 6 NBP 5.5 Girth 5.5.

Thank you PE and Thunders.


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