Sigh. I'm very frustrated guys : tips
I’ve been jelqing for two months straight now
I jelq M,T, Thurs, F and rest Wednesday, Sat, and Sunday
My routine
Warm up (shower)
30 stretches in each direction
200 wet jelqs 60-80%
3x 15 sec holds
Warm down (shower)
Anyways I havent grown any whatsoever, I always jelq and try my best to enlarge my head and make it red, while trying my best to perfectly jelq as much blood into it. My penis hangs ok.. But it shrinks down to a small penis again when I warm down. I am 5.7” and I desperately want to hit 6” but nothing.. I’ve been on and off, last time I went for 3 months and nothing so I just quit, this time I instructed myself much better and have done the excercises to what I feel is working better but I get NO gains..
I work out in the gym daily, getting great gains there, drink protein shakes and fish oil and eat very good! No smoking or drinking
Anyways my parents have started noticing I’m in the bathroom for hours in the shower so sadly I can’t wet jelq anymore..
Guys what do I do.. It’s only .3”!! Why can’t I just grow that little wtf.. Give me some hope someone this is really frustrating me so much.. I’ve been extremely consistent and I’m not gaining anything.