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Sigh. I'm very frustrated guys : tips


Sigh. I'm very frustrated guys : tips

I’ve been jelqing for two months straight now
I jelq M,T, Thurs, F and rest Wednesday, Sat, and Sunday

My routine
Warm up (shower)
30 stretches in each direction

200 wet jelqs 60-80%
3x 15 sec holds

Warm down (shower)

Anyways I havent grown any whatsoever, I always jelq and try my best to enlarge my head and make it red, while trying my best to perfectly jelq as much blood into it. My penis hangs ok.. But it shrinks down to a small penis again when I warm down. I am 5.7” and I desperately want to hit 6” but nothing.. I’ve been on and off, last time I went for 3 months and nothing so I just quit, this time I instructed myself much better and have done the excercises to what I feel is working better but I get NO gains..

I work out in the gym daily, getting great gains there, drink protein shakes and fish oil and eat very good! No smoking or drinking

Anyways my parents have started noticing I’m in the bathroom for hours in the shower so sadly I can’t wet jelq anymore..

Guys what do I do.. It’s only .3”!! Why can’t I just grow that little wtf.. Give me some hope someone this is really frustrating me so much.. I’ve been extremely consistent and I’m not gaining anything.

Oh man, I feel for you. Just try this for another month and then change the routine. Start doing other PE exercises. By the way it is better to jelq at a lower erection level to gain length. I guess you already knew that. My advice is: Keep doing it. You will eventually gain it. You are one of the slow gainers I guess Just like me.

Start: BPEL: 5 inches, EG:4.5 inches, NBPEL: 4.5 inches

Goal: BPEL: 6 inches, EG: 5 inches. NBPEL: 5.5 inches.Start Date 22nd Feb 2009.

"Oh baby, I love your naivete!".

You mention your parents noticing that you spend alot of time in the bathroom.

How old are you?

Start: BPEL: 5 inches, EG:4.5 inches, NBPEL: 4.5 inches

Goal: BPEL: 6 inches, EG: 5 inches. NBPEL: 5.5 inches.Start Date 22nd Feb 2009.

"Oh baby, I love your naivete!".

I am 18 years old

Sunday morning whip that bad boy out and do your PEing at the family breakfast table. They will never complain about your time spent in the bath room again.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

ok seriously speaking. Keep doing only manual stretches on a single day with warm up and warm down. The next day do jelq with warm up and warm down. Split the routine for 2 days. Obviously it will take longer time. Since you are going to university, hopefully you will move out or go to a on campus hostel where you can take a single room and do what you want.

Best of luck, brother.

Start: BPEL: 5 inches, EG:4.5 inches, NBPEL: 4.5 inches

Goal: BPEL: 6 inches, EG: 5 inches. NBPEL: 5.5 inches.Start Date 22nd Feb 2009.

"Oh baby, I love your naivete!".

What do you do for your warm down?

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

You might try an ADS. You can buy a few different types from people here on Thunders for reasonable prices, and a search on eBay for penis extenders or penis stretchers gives you a few cheap possibilities (That’s where I got mine). If having it shipped to your family home is a problem then you can make one yourself too. There are several designs floating around the forums too that look effective and cheap. I’ve had my eye on making one of Shunga’s models. Shunga Roll Best of luck to you, and don’t give up hope!

Starting Stats: 5.5 BPEL/5.0 EG (Jan 08)

Current Stats: 6.0 BPEL/5.25EG (Mar 09)

Starting Pics: The Leap of Faith: Here are my starters.

Keep the faith

If you are working out in the gym every day, There is a fair chance that you are depriving you dick of a good blood flow.

You use far more effort on your muscles (and probably do so) . Your dick is always the cinderella in the blood line. It might help to have a day off training and give your dick a chance of nourishment.

You could perhaps try “working out” in your bedroom - Have some weights or one of those bodybuilder things.

Use that in your bedroom to get your folks ‘conditioned’ then substitute your PE routine - A few grunts and groans might help. Wear some shorts but do you pe without them = If they catch you naked the; just sing out Hang on I was just getting dressed. - or whatever ,

But do try out giving your dick a day of it’s own.

Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Originally Posted by petitfaun
If you are working out in the gym every day, There is a fair chance that you are depriving you dick of a good blood flow.

You use far more effort on your muscles (and probably do so) . Your dick is always the cinderella in the blood line. It might help to have a day off training and give your dick a chance of nourishment.

You could perhaps try “working out” in your bedroom - Have some weights or one of those bodybuilder things.

Use that in your bedroom to get your folks ‘conditioned’ then substitute your PE routine - A few grunts and groans might help. Wear some shorts but do you pe without them = If they catch you naked the; just sing out Hang on I was just getting dressed. - or whatever ,

But do try out giving your dick a day of it’s own.

I don’t mean to offend you, but i don’t think this is the right physiology, although it may make intuitive sense.

The increase in cardiovascular activity pumps blood everywhere, especially the penis.

However, i do think you are onto something here, i would try may be edging a little or at least making sure you get an erection twice a day (the reason is to activate the hormone producing cells).

I am really unsure of why you aren’t gaining, are you doing your kegels? I am actually in a very similar camp, here is my progress report

dchz - DCHZ’s Progress report

Are you taking in enough protein? Do you notice any positive indicators?

About the size, just learn more and be patient. PE isn’t easy, and results sure do not come right away for some people. Pay attention to your erection quality (EQ). If it’s low, there’s a chance you’re overtraining.

About your folks, try to buy an IR lamp, for the warm up and down. they’re not expensive, you can one on ebay with less than 20$, and that way you can do your whole routine, including the warm up and down, in your own private room, close the door and lock it if you have a lock (and if you don’t, it’s about time you get one).

PE isn't a chore. PE is a lifestyle.

If you feel down sometimes, come live inside my mind. I promise you'll enjoy the experience.

Originally Posted by dchz
I don’t mean to offend you, but i don’t think this is the right physiology, although it may make intuitive sense.

The increase in cardiovascular activity pumps blood everywhere, especially the penis.

However, i do think you are onto something here, i would try may be edging a little or at least making sure you get an erection twice a day (the reason is to activate the hormone producing cells).

I am really unsure of why you aren’t gaining, are you doing your kegels? I am actually in a very similar camp, here is my progress report

dchz - DCHZ’s Progress report

Are you taking in enough protein? Do you notice any positive indicators?

Inevitably this is so. But a common complaint by members here, is that they turtle after a workout. Now turtling must mean less blood is entering the penis So it seems logical to suggest less workout activity. Seven days a week is an awful lot. So limiting the activity might help the jeqing etc.

Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

I think that for a lot of people their penis is in fairly good shape before they start PE and they would have a great gains quickly, but then there has to be a lot of people with poor penis health too. And I guess our luck is just to build a good foundation first

Keep doing your routine for another one or two months. In my experience, I notice gains after PEing for 4 months consecutively without slacking at all. Who knows the same will happens to you. Good luck!

About you cannot jelq in bathroom, you can jelq or do manual stretch in your own room before you sleep. I did that as well in the past because I had the same problem.

When you get a BJ, life is good

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