Thunder's Place

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Silicone Sheets

Silicone Sheets

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to attempt to recreate the benefits of foreskin while in the process of restoring my own. Silicone is the next best thing to skin. So why not wrap my shaft and glans in silicone. I am also considering lining the insides of the silicone sheet with alpha hydroxy acid and moisturizing cream. If it did not stick to my shaft I would use a cock ring or rubber band to keep everything in place. So far I have been using Udder Cream, as suggested by MXL, and I will be using AmLactin and Alpha Hydroxy Lotion as well. Eroset’s Oil also looks promising. I would like to know whether anyone out there knows where I can purchase silicone sheets for under $30. The sites I have been visiting charge a lot more then what I anticipated for a sheet large enough to cover my flaccid penis.

Thanks again



You mentioned you’re restoring your foreskin—are you hanging from the base of your penis with something like a Bib hanger to do this?

Bugs, PE has left my glans with a severely wrinkled appearance, is foreskin restoration supposed to return it into the condition it was pre PE?

Or is it simply supposed to increase sensitivty?

Restore everything back to smooth shiny glans. There are a lot of foreskin regeneration threads on here I might post them on this thread later on but I’m just using the search bar. :)


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