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Simple Wet Jelqing Question

Simple Wet Jelqing Question

I’ve watched the videos and everything but I still think I’m doing it wrong. When I jelq I don’t
Feel like blood is being pushed up the penis. Even my glans doesn’t seem to get much bigger.

It almost feels like I’m just sliding the skin up but not the blood. I have a pretty good grip so
I don’t think that is a problem.


At what percentage is your erection?

Starting Measurements - BPEL 6.5" EG 5"

Goals - BPEL 8" EG 6"

Current Measurements - Gaining length mostly

I have the had kind of problem when I started so maybe I can be some help. What I found out I was doing wrong was my erection was not at the right level. I think every ones level is different for the perfect jelq so I won’t imply that and % is better the another. I would just say try out with more or and erection or a tiny bit less until you feel you get a good feel for it. Also try to start as CLOSE to the base of your penis as you can. What I do is when I’m at the end with one hand I use my other hand to slide from the top to the bottom all the way to the base. For me that worked much better because I didn’t have to deal with the skin as much. Also play with your grip or the positioning of your hand. You might have a weird grip and not squeezing the right way to really trap the blood in your penis.

I am trying babbis’ method so I am about 50%.

It needs to have some blood pumping through it, but not so you get an erection. 60-80%, so pretty full. Then you’ll feel it for sure.

I tried with a higher erection and it seemed to work better. Plus I think I wasn’t using enough lubrication. But
What exactly are the physical signs that I am doing it correctly?

By that I mean is my glans supposed to get bigger? Anything else that I might notice?

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