Originally Posted by Bigben2012
Hello I just wanted to know is it possible to stretch the skin on my shaft of my penis? I’ve been doing mem’s routine for a 3 weeks now and I’ve made just over 0.5 inch length gain I feel there has been more made but the skin from that has pubic hair is move up along with my penis anybody know to fix this? Thanks
Yeah, there is a way to stretch the skin on your shaft and not the base. You don’t want to stretch the skin from your base because that is the skin that your pubes grow and as a result as you know will start moving up your shaft. If you are manual stretching, with the free hand grip the skin at the base and push to the pubic bone. If you read my thread, I have a write up somewhere about pushing the base skin to the pubic bone so only the shaft skin could grow.
Before I joined Thunders Place, I was with another forum where the member knew nothing. I started hanging and as a result injured myself to where I had to stop PEing for about 8 months. During the time off I did a lot of PE research, back then not a lot of info out there, and found Thunders Place. During my research and self examinations of my genital area, I noticed that the pubes were moving up my shaft. so I stated foreskin restoration until the skin just grew slightly passed the rim of my glands. I then started PE. I attribute my fast gains to the foreskin restoration since my length and girth gains grew into the extra skin.