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slight pain around the head of my penis

slight pain around the head of my penis

I’ve been doing some ligament stretches and recently started getting little sharp pains around the head of my penis. Am i doing something wrong?

Is this pain consistent, around the time you are PEing or shooting pain that occasionally hits throughout the day?

What grip are you using for your stretches? Are you ensuring that you minimise the pressure on the top of the penis behind the glans?

I’m using an ok grip and could it be because im gripping to close to the head? Sometimes i get these pains throughout the day.

Well if they are shooting, minor and infrequent I always associated those with growth, with the penis adapting.

Gripping close to the head is normally fine but how you apply the grip is very important. There are a big bunch of nerves right behind the head on the top side, if you pressure those you are going to cause problems. So try to locate the webbing between thumb and forefinger over the top (you’ll be using an overhand OK grip) then when you tighten your grip try to make sure that you are putting pressure on the sides of the penis.

Try that for a few days and see if it helps.

Don’t dismiss the pain though shooting pain may be an indicator of incipient nerve damage.

If it’s not shooting pain then think about how tight your grip is and try to minimise this while keeping a solid grip and avoiding slippage. Too loose a grip and maybe you slip off and maybe you create skin problems. Too tight a grip and maybe you are crushing the penis more than is absolutely necessary.

Are you making the grip directly or are you wrapping your penis or using some other kind of grip aid?

I also get pain around my head everytime I manual stretch, and I’m pretty sure I’m doing it right. I think my weiner is just really sensative because I also get permanent bruising almost everytime I touch my cock. These are the two reasons that I never stick with pe.


Bruising easily could be an indicator of a poor diet and can be corrected. For a lot more info on this just Google: bruise easily.

Here is just one result:

I think memento your right about me grabbing my penis to hard. I’ll try to grab my penis from the sides instead of from the top and bottom because that’s what i was doing from the beginning.

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