Originally Posted by youngguy85
Hello, joined here a month ago and been doing PE just as long but just haven’t posted until now. When I did my PE today I felt a slight pain in the upper top left of my testicle only when I was jelqing. This has happened only twice before, today and last week. I’ve been doing the same routine and have never felt any pain at all. Anyone know what’s wrong?
Going back to your original topic, of high importance, in my opinion.
Ten years ago,I had surgery done on my Right Testicle. I had been suffering from pain for about a year and it became so unbearable that I asked my cousin (Urologist/Surgeon/Trauma Surgeon) who is highly qualified -la creme of the country- to perform the operation right away, that I wasn’t capable of withstanding a wait of 14 days (his vacation) with the fear of not knowing what was causing the pain.
The procedure was done the next day. Diagnosis: Epididymitis of unknown cause, very retractile testicles (which suffer trauma as a consequence) and an Hydrocele. No malignancy whatsoever.
I still suffer from some pain in my testicle, not as much as I had before the surgery. But I found that these PE techniques: Ball Massage and Stretching, and Pumping -especially pumping- reduced or eliminated the pain dramatically.
Beware, of redness, changes (elevation) of temperature of the gonad, changes in size, etc.. But right now you shoul’d seek the help of an Urologist. This is the first step.
Take care,