Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Small penis (Body Dysmorphic) disorder


Has anyone here ever had like a flaccid Size dysmorphia, because im suffering since a long time from this.

I’m relatively okay with my bpel but i’m very ashamed and anxious absolut my flaccid grower size.

I know this is a mental Health Problem and positive thinking should help but i cant Help Feeling small when my dick isnt erect…

This is also the main reason i stopped PE Half year ago because i just gained EL and no FL at all.

Well, I kinda think my flaccid is small too, when in reality it’s actually rather huge. If you suffer from that, then I think “posivite” approach is wrong direction. It can help, but it’s wrong way.

I would like to say about some analogy. It might take some time and it’s a little bit offtop, so you can skip if you want. That’s about becoming acquainted with other people. Many men have problems with confidence and they can’t start conversation with stranger. Especially when that person is pretty woman. And many men ask advice what they should do and how to fix that. There is simple way, just face that fear and make step. They sweat, then do and it actually works. They are really happy how easy that can be and become enthusiastic. The problem is, after some time emotions return back and their behavior too. They start to doubt again. And reason for that is because they didn’t even tried to see what is actual problem and do anything to change that. They just covered that with another emotion and that worked for some time.

So i suppose if person actually suffers from something, then it’s better not to follow “positive” approach completely, but also spend some time to find out what is reason for that. Quite often that can be something completely different. For example, many men can think if person has small dick (let’s say like 3.5-4 inches) then he is below average. Like he has to work to compensate and stuff like that. But that’s bs. Nature thinks completely different. Generally amount of men is usually lower than women in the world. If girl has problem with that, then she may stay single whole her life, it’s her choice. And same way as men have different penis sizes, women have different physical features too. Do we ask them to compensate for that? It’s really complex topic and can be discussed in many ways. I just wanna say person should really think what bothers him, in which situations conflict appears, what causes that and how to fix that. But that might be hard to do for self, because whole mindset.

Starting : 7.6 BPEL, 5.5 MEG

Current: 8.1 BPEL, 5.7 MEG

Goal: To understand what makes penis to grow.


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