You should habituate to this sensation over time, it is not necessary to stop short of this area. Nerve endings are present all over the penis just because you are more sensitive in a given area does not preclude exercising this area. In order to work the glans and promote expansion it is always a good technique to balloon the head as much as possible. A three part Uli that works up the shaft and ultimately the head is very effective in PE techniques.
If you are having problems keeping things in control you should try “dry jelqs,” (I assume you have been lubing the piston)? As for problems with intercourse control, you should try a desensitizing lotion or condom to overcome your “fast trigger.” Your gal may not be too excited by the condom at first but once you have her “eyes pasted shut” she will forget about it.
It is a conditioning routine that will give you greater staying power down the line. Your gal must join in on the effort to re-educate your penis, the first month may lack the eroticism of a “wet dream” but the end results will satisfy both of you. Or, you should shoot your load 20mins prior to the encounter and trust the “reload” will hit the mark (but this is just a stop-gap measure).
The other technique that is effective but frowned upon by some in the forum is to apply an equal but opposite stimulus. In my early days when encountering this problem, I would give serious stretches to my scrotum in an effort to change the sexual stimulus to a “pain stimulus” this becomes effective after the third or fourth time. When you feel the urge to explode, apply the skin stretch to immediately counter the pleasure stimulus, the brain begins to not distinguish between the two (more or less) and the stimulus of intercourse becomes a benign feeling to your ejaculatory reflexes.