Thunder's Place

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Solutions - Getting Hard Whilst Stretching.

Solutions - Getting Hard Whilst Stretching.

I’ve asked and answered people about this question a few times. Someone PM’d me about it again so I figured I would answer for everyone to see as I’m sure some of the 1000 newbies may have trouble with it.

In my experience there are various things which can help. Here they are:

1) Using heat first, helps relax the tissue. Your dick will probably enjoy that and might get semi erect to fully erect during that. I think when you stretch, it gets slightly excited over being touched, so doing this initial warm which has various reported benefits; prevention of injury, helps gains and the relaxation issue so it won’t be overly sensitive when you come to touch it.

2) Jelqing. I prefer wet jelqs and believe jelqing should always ideally be done in PE no matter what stage you are at in your PE career for general penis health. Many believe it’s synergetic along side others form of PE for growth. Concerning the stretching aspect. I again find you can jelq whilst semi erect so it’s not a hindrance. After jelqing your penis may be fatigued so when you come to stretch it doesn’t get excited.

3) Between the cheek (BTC) stretching. You simply grab your flaccid dick and do a BTC stretch quickly. Don’t hold it out for to long if you have the problem of getting excited or blood will quickly come in making it hard to stretch it BTC. But once in that position I find it impossible to get hard.

4) Masturbate - Ejaculate shortly before stretching. You want to do it close enough to the session that you’re sexual desire hasn’t returned but long enough that you’re not overly sensitive.

5) Let your dick get used to stretching. This should in most peoples cases happen in time. Your Penis needs to tell the difference between PE time and play time. Try not to mix the two up ideally. Especially when stretching.

I myself have a habit of stretching my dick out when I want to get erect then watching porn as I do so. Which is probably a mistake and exactly the reason I’ve had trouble with getting hard during my stretching sessions in the past. I believe doing that caused my dick to get confused so couldn’t distinguish between work time and play time.

We men really do in part think with our dicks ;)

Anyway if you implement some or all of the above steps it should help you immensely. I would suggest doing a warmup then jelqing then stretching, I think if you did purely BTC stretches that would be good.

Feel free to give post any other suggestions that are relevant I may of missed off.

Thank you for the post. I have been struggling stretching with semi/erection.

There are only three ways to make it work for me

1) masturbate and ejaculate before stretch exercise
- so do jelqing first so you get that out of way

2) kegel enough that your BC muscles get tired to maintain a strong erection
- this is actually quite effective if you don’t want to ejaculate before PE
- the challenge is that you really have to do a lot of kegels in a short period of time before you notice the lack of erection (which is a good thing in stretching)

3) meditation
- this is an advanced technique where you would start meditation for 5-10 minutes; get rid of any sexual feelings
- when you are calm, you have a better chance of maintaining flaccid
**huge benefit for your overall mental health

Notorious "Hardgainer". No Gain in 4 Years! Check out my "Blog" under Profile.

(starting: Jun 2007) 5.75" BPEL x 5" EG / (Sept 11, 2011) 6.375" BPEL x 5.125" EG / (July 1st, 2014) 6.25" BPEL x 5.125" EG (lost a bit of size)

I sometimes will pluck/tweeze pubic hair. Plucking with tweezers leaves everything way smoother than shaving the shaft and it makes it hard to stay hard which is a good thing for PE’ing

Started PE Oct 1/06 - bpel 13.5cm (5.3") eg 13.5cm (5.3") el 12cm (4.7") Dec 1/06 - bpel 14.0cm (5.5") eg 13.5cm (5.3") el 12.5cm (4.9")

Currently - bpel 14.2cm (5.5") eg 14.0cm (5.6") el 13.0cm (5.1")

Max GOAL : EL 18.5cm (7.3") EG 15cm (6") "Although I will quit at first sign of interference with anal or oral"

Originally Posted by assmanfrom1973
I sometimes will pluck/tweeze pubic hair. Plucking with tweezers leaves everything way smoother than shaving the shaft and it makes it hard to stay hard which is a good thing for PE’ing

Do you tweeze whenever you have an erection? Interesting approach.

Notorious "Hardgainer". No Gain in 4 Years! Check out my "Blog" under Profile.

(starting: Jun 2007) 5.75" BPEL x 5" EG / (Sept 11, 2011) 6.375" BPEL x 5.125" EG / (July 1st, 2014) 6.25" BPEL x 5.125" EG (lost a bit of size)

Originally Posted by assmanfrom1973
I sometimes will pluck/tweeze pubic hair. Plucking with tweezers leaves everything way smoother than shaving the shaft and it makes it hard to stay hard which is a good thing for PE’ing

This is something I do, not to get rid of erection, but out of boredom while waiting for the erection to subside. Generally, I use electric hair clippers or razor for pubic area and balls and tweezers for base of shaft. Whenever I get too erect to stretch, I pluck some hair to kill time and that way I fill “dead time” with something that keeps my shaft smooth all the time (and it looks 10x better that way, seriously).

I’m ~2 weeks short of 1 year of PE and I still get unwanted erections quite often. I don’t know the cure and I’m starting to doubt there is any. Just be happy that you’re blessed with naturally great EQ. :)

And if you get erect while jelqing? ;(

RE-RE-Started (21.03.2024): 5.5" BPEL, 4.5" MSEG

Current: 5.5" BPEL, 4.7" MSEG

Current Goal: 6.6" BPEL, 5.3" MSEG -- Long Term Goal: 7.1" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG

Originally Posted by viksenpai
And if you get erect while jelqing? ;(

I go through everyday. What I do is keep kegeling until erection goes softer.

If you kegel enough, your BC muscle will get tired, which will constrict less blood into the shaft.

Notorious "Hardgainer". No Gain in 4 Years! Check out my "Blog" under Profile.

(starting: Jun 2007) 5.75" BPEL x 5" EG / (Sept 11, 2011) 6.375" BPEL x 5.125" EG / (July 1st, 2014) 6.25" BPEL x 5.125" EG (lost a bit of size)

That’s a great post! Very happy to find this!

Start: BPEL 5.3 4.2 EG [2010 Sep 11]

Now: (BPFSL 6.75) BPEL 6.5 x 5.0 EG (Newbie Routine) [2011 Jan 04]

Goal: NPEL 7.0 x 6.5 EG

I was the one that was asking audacia in the other thread how he stopped getting hard. I tried a lot of different approaches but the only thing that has worked for me is doing my stretching right when I come back from the gym. After a hard gym session I am tired and the blood in my body is all in my muscles that I have just worked out and I don’t get hard again until atleast a few hours later.

Started May 2010- 5.9 BPEL X 5.5 MSEG

January 18, 2011- 7.0 inches/17.7cm BPEL X 5.5 MSEG

Goals- 8.0nbp X some more base girth

Originally Posted by kubchaser
Thank you for the post. I have been struggling stretching with semi/erection.

There are only three ways to make it work for me

1) masturbate and ejaculate before stretch exercise
- So do jelqing first so you get that out of way

2) kegel enough that your BC muscles get tired to maintain a strong erection
- This is actually quite effective if you don’t want to ejaculate before PE
- The challenge is that you really have to do a lot of kegels in a short period of time before you notice the lack of erection (which is a good thing in stretching)

3) meditation
- This is an advanced technique where you would start meditation for 5-10 minutes; get rid of any sexual feelings
- When you are calm, you have a better chance of maintaining flaccid
**Huge benefit for your overall mental health

I agree with number 3 but don’t agree with number 1.
The goal is to keep EL below 30% without mast/jelqs

Originally Posted by Wamrage
I agree with number 3 but don’t agree with number 1.
The goal is to keep EL below 30% without mast/jelqs

I agree partially. If a person wants to remain flaccid throughout the routine for manual stretches, then NO.1 maybe the most effective way to a constant flaccid for a period of time. However, if the person wants to include jelqing, it is still possible to kegel to get some blood flowing, but it is likely to be ineffective during refractory period.

Personally, I avoid all masturbation right before or after PE routine.

Notorious "Hardgainer". No Gain in 4 Years! Check out my "Blog" under Profile.

(starting: Jun 2007) 5.75" BPEL x 5" EG / (Sept 11, 2011) 6.375" BPEL x 5.125" EG / (July 1st, 2014) 6.25" BPEL x 5.125" EG (lost a bit of size)

Originally Posted by kubchaser

Personally, I avoid all masturbation right before or after PE routine.

So do I, it’s better for EQ and libido in the long run not to masturbate that often.

I have a really short refraction time, so I masturbate before stretching. I still end up getting hard ten minutes in, so then I switch to jelqs. Then I masturbate again and do more stretches.


Current: BPEL-6.5" mid-shaft EG-5" Goal: NBPEL-9" EG-6.5"

I was having a big problem with this at first. I have always had the ‘problem’ of being able to get hard instantly. While doing the hot wrap, I usually get hard and just have to wait it out, but once I get to stretching and jelqing, I feel I’m able to keep it right where I want it now. Also originally I was masturbating first, then I’d do my stretches and then put on porn and I was able to get my erection level where I wanted for jelqs when I was done, but shortly after I removed the porn and pre-PE masturbation, my computer screwed up and now I’m completely without it. I definitely feel a lot better about it this way. For one, I don’t feel like I need to masturbate while PEing near as much, though I will still do some edging. For two, my erections throughout the day afterward (I do my PE almost first thing in the morning and use my shower as my second hot wrap and to wash all the vaseline off) feel much harder.. Honestly I’m starting to feel like my penis is pretty beastly, I can’t wait until I hit my goals.

Put a razor blade in the same hand you use to stretch, problem solved

Start 6.5 bpel 5.75 eg Current bpel 7.0 eg 6.75 (7.0eg base) Goal bpel 7.25 eg 7.0 mid shaft

Progress routine and pics/vids

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