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Some mathematics - Why gain in Girth is more difficult to achieve

Some mathematics - Why gain in Girth is more difficult to achieve

From what I can read at the forum, length seems to be easier to achieve than girth while girth is what most people would like to gain in. I do not consider this strange at all as it is all about a cubic change of size we are talking about. For nitpickers, I assume in the example below that the penis is a perfect cylinder ;) .

Living in Sweden, we measure everything in centimetres so my little calculations below will be in cm but comparing in percentage.

Using myself as an example, I have gained 2 cm in length and 1.5 cm in girth. If the length gain would be the only gain I would have gotten, the percentage gain would have been simply 2/15 = 13%. Not bad in 8-9 months.

The girth gain calculated in the same way (from 12 to 13.5), example of no length gain, is a cubic change and is calculated like this:
Initial cubic size: (circuit/pi/2)^2*pi*length = (12/pi/2)^2*pi*15 = 172 cm3
Change in cubic size: (13.5/pi/2)^2*pi*15 = 218 cm3

Change in percentage = (218 - 172)/172 = 27%.

So in percentage, the 1.5 cm in girth change is much more of an achievement than the length change! Now, the head of the penis has not changed so one should remove that from the calculation to get it a more accurate but then the change would be even more in the part that actually can change.

Overall, I have gotten the following percentage change in 8-9 months:
((13.5/pi/2)^2*pi*17)-(12/pi/2)^2*pi*15)) / (12/pi/2)^2*pi*15) = 43% change!!

That is so incredible much that I begin to doubt that I have measured myself correctly from the beginning!

My ultimate goal is something like 20 cm and 15 cm in circuit. Such a change would be:
((15/pi/2)^2*pi*20)-(12/pi/2)^2*pi*15)) / (12/pi/2)^2*pi*15) = 108% change!!
I wonder if it possible at all.

Hope I didn’t disappoint you guys!

Historical graph since start including all Measures and Goals -

Start 2008-09-01: 5,9" X 4,5", 2012-03-31: 7,3" X 5.4" - Goal 7,5" X 5,5"

Interesting calculations bro ;)

And apparently you have discovered the wonderful world of Volume.

The stats page includes an auto volume calculator.

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"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

It would be a waste of time. You can do faster taking a view with a microscope. :)

Why do you assume the head does not get bigger? The reason I question that assumption is becuase when use the bathmate hydro pump, my head swells up to at least 40% bigger. Last night I had my wife check it out and she said this after seeing me “Your not going to stay that big are you!” She also said, “that looks like it might hurt me”.. We made love later that evening, but all my swelling hadn’t gone usually lasts for 8-10 hours (for me anyway).. And she said , “Oh that was very nice, I definitely felt “fuller”.and she had a huge orgasm (not normal for her)..

So I think based on that, that my head could grow. It is just the end of the corpus spongiosum so why not fill up with more blood?

Originally Posted by skepticalOne
So I think based on that, that my head could grow. It is just the end of the corpus spongiosum so why not fill up with more blood?

I agree, I’ve not gone down the pumping route yet, but even with the newbie routeen I’m seeing gains when it comes to head size,.

Originally Posted by skepticalOne
Why do you assume the head does not get bigger? The reason I question that assumption is becuase when use the bathmate hydro pump, my head swells up to at least 40% bigger. Last night I had my wife check it out and she said this after seeing me “Your not going to stay that big are you!” She also said, “that looks like it might hurt me”.. We made love later that evening, but all my swelling hadn’t gone usually lasts for 8-10 hours (for me anyway).. And she said , “Oh that was very nice, I definitely felt “fuller”.and she had a huge orgasm (not normal for her)..

So I think based on that, that my head could grow. It is just the end of the corpus spongiosum so why not fill up with more blood?

Using the bathmate alone could I have gains in erect length?

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