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Some penimaster questions

Some penimaster questions

Hi, I am brand new to PE,
I have recently brought a Penimaster (after months of researching on the web) and have begun to use it daily as directed by the instructions.
However I have a few questions I would be grateful if somebody could answer.

1) What have people done to get rid of the pinching feeling on the scrotum?

2) in the book it says 6hours + gives optimal growth, how much difference will there be wearing it for 12hours compared to 6?

3) When jelqing and exercising (which I am told breaks down the cells so they grow back stronger) should you do it before you use Penimaster so that your penis can heal in the elongated state or after you have finished using Penimaster (I’m not sure if this would simply break down the new cells you had just created though)

4) can you urinate while the Penimaster is on? I am a little scared to try in case you can’t..

5)even though I have only being using the Penimaster 4days and I know there won’t be any significant signs of growth at the moment I am fairly certain my girth has diminished slightly? Is this normal and if so is it a problem or is there anything I can do to gain more girth?

6)How essential is warming up and warming down?

7)it says in the book about using the Penimaster to “re-grow” your foreskin, is this actually possible, if so how good are the results and what re the benefits of having a foreskin?

I thinks that’s all the questions I have for now
If anybody could help at all it would be most appreciated




Hey man, I used the penimaster in the past and got some excellent growth over a three month period. It has been about 2 years ago, but I gained about 1/2” in length and 1/4” in girth. Anyways, I wish you the best of luck and I will try to answer some of your questions based on my experience:

1. I never experienced that. I would think either you have it on wrong, you are applying too much force, or you need to trim your pubic hair?

2. Man 6+ hours that is incredible. I was only able to wear the device for 1.5 hrs max at one time. Then I would take it off for a couple of hours and put it back on for another hour or so. On average I would wear the device for 3 hours throughout the day. What effects 6 or even 12 hours would have I have no clue. However, being a scientist, I would hypothesize that if the directions say optimal growth at 6+ hours, then from the data they collected, more individuals gained substantially measurable growth and individuals wearing the device for shorter periods of time.

3. I would say definitely “warm-up” and stretch before you use the device. I would say jelq after you use the device. I only say jelq afterwards, to restore blood flow, but also I always get a pretty nice stiffy jelqing and that makes it difficult putting the device on.

4. I tried it once and it hurt like hell. The device restricts the flow of the urethra so I would not recommend it.

5. Uuuuhhhh, as it relates to your girth concern I would think it all depends on what you main goal is. On this site I always hear if your main objective is length then focus on length first and do very little activity to promote girth gains. There is something also said about toughening the ligands inside your dick when you get substantial girth gains. Now I gained girth while using the penimaster. I would recommend you jelq, but you should be aware you will gain more in length than girth while using the device.

6. I am not sure of that one. I think I did it sometimes and other times I didn’t. Currently, I do not warm-up or warm-down at all. However, it makes since to warm-up. Applying heat would make your ligaments loose and easier to stretch. I would recommend warming up to individuals, and as a matter of fact I am going to start doing it myself.

7. I have no idea!

I hope this helps and I wish you the best of luck on achieving your goals!

Started: 6.75" BPEL, 8" (20 cm) BPFSL (1/2015) x 5" (12.5 cm) EG; Current (7/2017): 8" (20 cm) BPEL, 8.2" (20.5 cm) BPFSL x 5.8" (14.5 cm) EG; Gains (7/2017): 1.25" (3.125 cm) EL, 0.2" (0.5 cm) BPFSL x 0.8" (2 cm) EG

Short-term goal: 8.25 (20.625 cm) BPEL, 8.3" (20.75 cm) BPFSL x 6" (15 cm) EG; Long-term goal: 9" (22.5 cm) BPEL x 6" EG

Xtended's Progress Report

Thanks xtendeddick

Thats helped me. When I said 6hours I meant I was wearing for an hour then a 10mins break then back on etc for 6hours,
I am currently building up the number of hours as I am getting more used to the device,
I’m goin for 8hours today!
My girth seems to be back to normal now which is good
On the day I started using the penimaster my measurments were:
EL 6”
EG 5”
BPEL 6.3” ish

I am aiming for

EL 7.5”
EG 6”

That would be amazing.

I have another questions actually

Will growth of the penis be faster/easier if you are younger (18) or older ?

I imagine that being younger would be better for growth because your possibly still growing?

Anyone got any idea?


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