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Some questions after two weeks of PE.

Some questions after two weeks of PE.

I’ve been doing 3 days on - 1 day off since august 31. Everything is going great. I got a little scare the first day though. After my session there was a blue dot at the base of my shaft, which kinda looked like a thrombosed vein, but it disappeared the next day so I didn’t pay any more attention to it.

During the first 6 sessions I only jelqed (200 per session). Then I started adding 15min of various stretched (JAI, V, rotor), also upping the amount of jelqs to 300. By now, the sessions are taking a lot of bathroom-time, and I’m worried about what my roommates are thinking. I do everything in the shower. My warmup/down is allowing hot water to flow over my penis for 2-3 minutes.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to cut down on the amount of time? Is it important to warm up before the stretches. If not I could probably do those in my bedroom, before taking a shower. Also, is it important to do the stretches and jelqs in the same session, or could I for instance do the stretched in the morning and the jelqs in the evening with the same result?

How about masturbation? I have read a few threads regarding this issue on the forum, but none of them really come to any conclusion. At the moment I masturbate 3-4 times a week, but if the general consensus is that masturbation is bad for gains, I wouldn’t have much problems cutting down.

I just received the jelq device from Does anyone have any experience with this? Do you tink it’ll work as well as doing the jelqs manually?

I haven’t made kegeling a part of my exercise yet. Is this an important factor for gains?

I guess I could have found answers to some of these question by using the search button, but I need to get more involved in this site.

Last edited by Aphelion : 09-13-2004 at .

You can do stretching and jelqing separately, I even think it’s better (although I’m no expert).
I have roommates to, I use a sock filled with rice and warmed up in the microwave for the warm up.
I prefer not to masturbate, or only on the rest days.

PD: good luck, we have the same measures :P

Hey Aphelion, I’m glad to hear things are going well for you.

>>Does anyone have any ideas on how to cut down on the amount of time? Is it important to warm up before the stretches. If not I could probably do those in my bedroom, before taking a shower.<<
I don’t believe there are many ways to increase efficiency in PE besides more experience. If you’re just looking to cut down on the bathroom time, then PE’ing in your bedroom is a good idea. Yes, warmup is important, but not absolutely necessary. If you can, do as tbvlpower advises and use a rice sock. If your roommates question what it’s for, simply tell them you have a chronically sore neck and the heat eases the tension.

>>Also, is it important to do the stretches and jelqs in the same session, or could I for instance do the stretched in the morning and the jelqs in the evening with the same result?<<
It’s not important to do the stretches and jelqs in the same session. I think a lot of guys do it that way just for the convenience factor.

>>How about masturbation? I have read a few threads regarding this issue on the forum, but none of them really come to any conclusion.<<
That’s the problem, there hasn’t been a conclusion. Seems everyone believes something else when it comes to masturbation and PE. Best advice I can give on the subject is to read as many different opinions (and the reasons behind them) as you can, and base your own conclusion off that. Personally, I try to wait a couple of hours before or after a PE session to masturbate or have sex. I don’t think it really hinders your gains, I’m just superstitious is all. :)

>>I just received the jelq device from Does anyone have any experience with this? Do you tink it'll work as well as doing the jelqs manually?<<
No personal experience, but I’ve heard some good reviews from respected members about them. Hopefully someone with more experience can ring in with their advice. In the meantime, since you got the device, go ahead and use it and see for yourself if it will work as well as doing the jelqs manually.

>>I haven't made kegeling a part of my exercise yet. Is this an important factor for gains?<<
I believe so. Kegeling helps overall penile health which definitely aids PE and your gains. Keep that blood pumping.

>>I guess I could have found answers to some of these question by using the search button, but I need to get more involved in this site.<<
You are correct in both respects. The info is there, but what would we talk about if everyone just read everything that’s already been written? I’m glad you’ve asked your questions and I’m more than happy to try to answer them.

Thanks a lot for some great answers once again, stevie31.

I just finished a session with the jelq-device and it felt great. I also noticed that my flaccid hang was noticably fuller that after my hand sessions, so I will definitely keep using it. I have also been trying to do some more kegels today. Do you think it’s important to make them a part of my session, or could I just do them whenever I find the time? I think I read somewhere that it was dangerous to do too many kegels, so what would be a healthy amount?

No problem Aphelion, I’m glad to help.

I’m not surprised that the jelq-device resulted in a better flaccid hang than manual work. Most of what I’ve read has backed that up.

As far as kegels, no, it’s not important to do them during your PE session, but it doesn’t hurt. I personally don’t buy into the theory that too many kegels is a bad thing. In fact, my thinking is almost totally opposite; I don’t think you can kegel enough. I kegel whenever I think about it, and usually even when I’m don’t. I kegel to fatigue, then wait a few hours and kegel some more. Kegeling has built my BC muscle up which has resulted in rock hard erections and the ability to clamp off ejaculation to last longer during sex. It’s one of the easiest and most effective exercises in the PE arsenal and I recommend them highly.

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