Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Something we might want to try

Something we might want to try

While starting the newbie routine It might be useful to also begin a regular stretching routine for the rest of your body. I stretch about 30-45 mins. 4-5 times a week. Also beginning to lift weights might help to put the body in a “ok it’s time to grow” mode. The added stretching may help the body to release more chemicals and whatever else it does to help when it realizes “hey were stretching here, I better help out”. I’m almost certain that stretching the rest of one’s body while starting to stretch the dick will help gains. I’m not a doctor but it just makes sense.


I think we should investigate various ways to use synergy as an aid to gains. What else can we do to ensure maximum growth and health. Dig?

Originally Posted by deep girlfriend
While starting the newbie routine It might be useful to also begin a regular stretching routine for the rest of your body. I stretch about 30-45 mins. 4-5 times a week. Also beginning to lift weights might help to put the body in a “ok it’s time to grow” mode. The added stretching may help the body to release more chemicals and whatever else it does to help when it realizes “hey were stretching here, I better help out”. I’m almost certain that stretching the rest of one’s body while starting to stretch the dick will help gains. I’m not a doctor but it just makes sense.


I think we should investigate various ways to use synergy as an aid to gains. What else can we do to ensure maximum growth and health. Dig?

Not that your idea doesn’t sound good, which it does, just because something makes sense, doesn’t necessarily mean it is true.

Back in the day, the Earth being flat made sense.

How about this - Work out - weights, stretching aeorbics, etc. That way, even if the PE thing doesn’t go quite the way you want, you will still be in killer shape, feel better, be more attractive to those you seek and, very likely be better in bed once you do meet someone. Just a thought.

What stretching is going to do (trust me on this fellas) is keep the muscles we have at their proper lenght and tension. It won’t make them grow anymore, sorry.

Within our molecular structure there was an off switch so to speak, and when we reached the height our genetic makeup said we were going to be, the switch got turned off. All we can do now is eat right, exercise-which includes stretching, to maintain what we have, and not lose height to osteoporosis or a weakening of our bones, osteopenia. Yes, you can build muscle by tearing down the fibers and letting them heal, you can build a better penis by the same principle, but you cannot get taller by stretching. (If that were the case I’d be 5’ 8” — I’m 8” shy of that.) Stretching does prevent contractures (abnormal shortening of muscle).

Now, while the hypothosis is correct in that by stretching the biceps or triceps or hamstrings will trigger a response from the brain, it will not affect penis gains as the penis isn’t a muscle, rather connective tissue, chambers, erectile sensors. The penis does have a muscular covering, but it isn’t enough to where weights will build it up, that comes from the inside with the CC and CS.

Now, I am not a doctor, I do physical therapy for a living as a physical therapist assistant .

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

I just created a poll in the main member section to see if we can determine if there is any correlation between general flexibly in the hips, legs and groin and penis length.

On the one hand, the idea seems pretty silly to me. On the other hand, I started PE with above average length, a VERY low LOT, and no real understanding or reason as to why.

From the time I was 12 until about 16, I was very active in martial arts. I stretched nearly every day. My hips, legs and groin became very flexible. Is there any correlation with my starting length? Probably not. But since “deep girlfriend” brought it up, I thought I’d mention it and see if anyone else has a similar story.

Started: 2/03, Finished: 5/06, Total Gains: 1.375” BPEL 1.5” EG, Details: Progress after a year or longer off?

Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible—M. C. Escher

Originally Posted by thenatural
How about this - Work out - weights, stretching aeorbics, etc. That way, even if the PE thing doesn’t go quite the way you want, you will still be in killer shape, feel better, be more attractive to those you seek and, very likely be better in bed once you do meet someone. Just a thought.


I couldn’t agree more. Can I buy you a beer? No, how about a six pack, and some nachos, a steak, pototo chips, french fries, ice cream, pie, your favorite candy, a burger, baby back ribs, potato salad. I’m on a moderate diet and a lot of exercise. I think key is controlling portion size. I’m actually doing well so far, one week in. (4 times in the gym, and walking a mile to and from school a few times a week).

deep gf,

Losing the fat pad, the fat over your pubic bone, if you have any, is probably the only way you are going to see any length gain. But I’m working out now, and I’ll monitor any amazing gains. Even then you never know as it could be fat pad loss, routine, the PE gods. So far I don’t notice anything special as I’m actually PE-ing.

However, I should say it gives you awesome gains. I am trying to make exercise a priority, even over PE, I know this my be a sort of blasphamy, as the cock is king here, but heatlh comes a close second. I believe it should be first. Just exercise for your health’s sake.

I don’t see any reason why working out and stretching skeletal muscles would be correlated to an increase in penis length due to PE. The only possible thing I could think of would be to PE after a work out, and MAYBE the increase in core temperature would allow the penis ligs to stretch a little better. I have a pretty good physiological understanding of the body and the correlation just isn’t there in my opinion.

All I’m saying is the body notices that it is changing when stretching the muscles and other connective tissue. The body is subtle and will try to help with the new changes. May not add to much but you never know, right? I think It might make a difference for newbies to begin both a full body as well as a dick lig stretching regimen at the same time.


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