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Spots on Head of Penis

Spots on Head of Penis

I have only been jelqing for about a week, but I have noticed several spots that have appeared on the head of my penis. The look almost like freckles. What I am hoping someone can answer for me is should I be worried about them and will they go away?

Don’t worry, its normal. The even have a name, which I can’t think of at the moment.

Horny Bastard

Congratulations! You’re the thousandth person to start a thread with the same title! Your membership to Thunders if FREE!!!!
:cheerlead : :cheerlead : :cheerlead :

But seriously, they’re normal. Lots of dudes get them. I don’t, but many do. Don’t think there’s a permanent discoloration issue or it too would’ve been flogged :horse: to death.

Originally Posted by wantsmore

Congratulations! You’re the thousandth person to start a thread with the same title! Your membership to Thunders if FREE!!

:Cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Sorry about that, I didn’t even think to look in the injuries section.

Originally Posted by KamikazeKaribou

Sorry about that, I didn’t even think to look in the injuries section.

Just funnin’ with you Kamikaze- ;)

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