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Glands or warts under penis head

Glands or warts under penis head

I got some tiny bumps on the underside of my penis head. They are really tiny, but many. Does not look like a typical “wart” though. It’s just bumps. They somehow reminds me of the sweat glands bumps I have at the root of my penis and my balls (I have many there), but along the shaft of my cock there are not so many bumbs. So I find this concentration of bumbs under my penis head very strange.

I have seen a doctor about it. She said it does not look like warts, she probably thought it was some glands. She also said that if it had been warts they would look different (she mentioned warts look like cauliflowers, and my very tiny bumps are smooth), and warts usually goes away or shrinks after some time. I have had these bumps for years now.

It is making me a bit down because I hesitate to let girls do blow jobs on me. Some has commented “what is that?”. I am afraid it might be an STD after all.

I wonder if anyone here knows what this can be.

Thanks Westla.

However, I do not have anything (visible) on the corona of my glance, or on the glance at all, but instead the white bumps are on the underside of my penis, just below that “string” that connects the foreskin and the glands. So when I got my foreskin over the glance, it does not show.

When I pull the foreskin way back they become visible.

I hope I succeeded in explaining what I meant!

Picture. See attachment.

As you can see, there is a concentration of bumps there. They are in the area that the picture shows, but not other places. (I do have bumps on my sack and my shaft, but they are different (bigger), and I am OK with them.)

What can this be?
I’ve had these since I was 16.

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The second link I posted was to a thread about Fordyce spots or sebaceous glands that many guys have. That’s what these look like to me, only smaller. If you’ve had them for years and a physician has seen them and said they are not warts, cancer or a sexually transmitted disorder, then it looks like you’ll have to accept that you have them and go on with things. Blowjobs are not the ultimate in sexual pleasure. If a girl refuses, go on to something, or someone, else.

If you’re still concerned, see a urologist. Those specialists should know every kind of disorder of the penis, but he/she will probably tell you that it’s nothing that can be changed. Good luck!

I can live with it as long as it is not warts!

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