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standard vs power jelq??

standard vs power jelq??

Just womdering what the difference is betwenn standars and power jelq. I assume one is overhand and one is underhand jelquing?? I actually prefer underhand jelquing where the thumb lies across the top of penis as opposed to overhand, which most guys seem to like better. Is there any positives or negatives to jelquing these different ways. I alternater both throughout the workout just to make sure….Thanks!

wow i shouldnt type so fast…lol sorry

There is a device that was once called the ‘power jelq’ and is now called the ‘jelq device’, there have been various paysite who’ve coined the term ‘power jelq’ for pretty much normal jelqing, sometimes adding a kegel.

Doing what you are doing sounds like a good plan. I used to switch between a standard OK going up to the ceiling and an overhand OK going down to the floor when my erection flagged a bit. That worked out pretty well.

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