Starting out right (long post)
Hi all, I’m a recent addition to Thunder’s Place, and am looking forward to starting on PE as a healthy and safe way to improve my enjoyment of life.
Now, I’ve broken down my approach into four long-term phases, and I’d like to get some feedback on my methods. I apologise in advance if my treatise seems overly technical; I’m an eccentric sort and easily lose track unless everything is planned out*. I’ve based my approach on the one I use for weightlifting, as both PE and weightlifting are similar in their execution and goals.
I’m currently in this stage. I have:
-read all I could find about PE
-given it thought
-decided it’s something I want to do
Remaining action items:
-purchase wooden or plastic ruler
-purchase webcam/digital camera
-take initial measurements and pictures
Time: 1-4 weeks
I want to ease into PE, as I have no need for desperately rapid gains and do not wish to injure myself. My main objective for PE is to enhance my sexuality without sacrificing other aspects of my life. I therefore want something cheap (manual exercises), quick (combine with other activities, aka showering), and safe (hence a beginner’s regimen).
Action items:
-purchase coconut oil
-purchase talcum powder
Beginners’ Regimen, Mon/Wed/Fri:
-l/r/u/d lig stretches, 0% erect (2 reps X 20 sec)
-l/r/u/d lig stretches, 50% erect (3-5 reps X 20 sec)
-Straight-out manual stretches, 50% erect (4 reps X 30sec)
-Light Jelq, 50% erect (25 to 200 reps X 2 sec, based on feel)
No PC exercise required during Phase 2 — this is accomplished by thorough masturbation on off days :P
Time: 1-3 months
Once I’ve taught my body how to respond to PE (mainly teaching my unit that it doesn’t have to ring up full mast whenever I touch it :P ), and have practiced my techniques, I can begin a PE regimen in earnest. My goals will be overall development at first, though this may change based on my gains/measurements.
Action items:
-purchase L-Arginine, Zinc/Copper supplement, and Lecithin
-purchase/produce Blakoe Ring/Ball Zinger (snicker)
-purchase belt
Full Effect Regimen (Daily, Mon-Thu):
-l/r/u/d lig stretches, 0% erect (2 reps X 20 sec)
-l/r/u/d lig stretches, 50% erect (2 reps X 20 sec)
-V-stretches, 30-50% erect (5 reps X 30sec)
-Jelq, 50-75% erect (100 to 200 reps X 4 sec, based on feel)
-Horse440s, 100% erect+Kegel (5-50 reps, based on feel)
Daily: Wear Blakoe Ring/Ball Zinger, and Kegels throughout day
Every Second Day: Bind knees together with belt overnight
Time: to within 0.25” of length or girth goal (currently 8x5.5 bpe)
Once I’ve begun to approach my goal, I will want to re-evaluate my goals, and my acheivements. Do I need more work on girth? Length? Proportion? Curving? This phase will be executed based on my accrued experience, and will be almost entirely ‘instinctual’ in fundament.
Maintenance Regimen components (suggested):
For length: Bib Hanging
For girth: Horse440s
For curvature: biased Jelq/stretching/over-the-leg hanging
For proportion: Target lagging zones
Daily: Wear Blakoe Ring/Ball Zinger (maybe)
Time: To goal (currently 8x5.5 bpe)
So.. let’s hear what you(plural) think!
* While I’ve planned out something fairly elaborate here, its only purpose is to concretise my goals and approach. In execution, I tend to be a bit more ‘seat of the pants’ and realistic about my self-discipline.
Thanks to:
ThunderSS, for a very informative and entertaining site
exact, for his thread on the durability of PE gains
Horse440, Bib, Tom Hubbard, and (thigh-press-together-guy?) for PE technique insights.
All those who have demonstrated their kinship by posting on these boards.