Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Starting out right (long post)

Starting out right (long post)

Hi all, I’m a recent addition to Thunder’s Place, and am looking forward to starting on PE as a healthy and safe way to improve my enjoyment of life.

Now, I’ve broken down my approach into four long-term phases, and I’d like to get some feedback on my methods. I apologise in advance if my treatise seems overly technical; I’m an eccentric sort and easily lose track unless everything is planned out*. I’ve based my approach on the one I use for weightlifting, as both PE and weightlifting are similar in their execution and goals.


I’m currently in this stage. I have:
-read all I could find about PE
-given it thought
-decided it’s something I want to do

Remaining action items:
-purchase wooden or plastic ruler
-purchase webcam/digital camera
-take initial measurements and pictures

Time: 1-4 weeks


I want to ease into PE, as I have no need for desperately rapid gains and do not wish to injure myself. My main objective for PE is to enhance my sexuality without sacrificing other aspects of my life. I therefore want something cheap (manual exercises), quick (combine with other activities, aka showering), and safe (hence a beginner’s regimen).

Action items:
-purchase coconut oil
-purchase talcum powder

Beginners’ Regimen, Mon/Wed/Fri:
-l/r/u/d lig stretches, 0% erect (2 reps X 20 sec)
-l/r/u/d lig stretches, 50% erect (3-5 reps X 20 sec)
-Straight-out manual stretches, 50% erect (4 reps X 30sec)
-Light Jelq, 50% erect (25 to 200 reps X 2 sec, based on feel)

No PC exercise required during Phase 2 — this is accomplished by thorough masturbation on off days :P

Time: 1-3 months


Once I’ve taught my body how to respond to PE (mainly teaching my unit that it doesn’t have to ring up full mast whenever I touch it :P ), and have practiced my techniques, I can begin a PE regimen in earnest. My goals will be overall development at first, though this may change based on my gains/measurements.

Action items:
-purchase L-Arginine, Zinc/Copper supplement, and Lecithin
-purchase/produce Blakoe Ring/Ball Zinger (snicker)
-purchase belt

Full Effect Regimen (Daily, Mon-Thu):
-l/r/u/d lig stretches, 0% erect (2 reps X 20 sec)
-l/r/u/d lig stretches, 50% erect (2 reps X 20 sec)
-V-stretches, 30-50% erect (5 reps X 30sec)
-Jelq, 50-75% erect (100 to 200 reps X 4 sec, based on feel)
-Horse440s, 100% erect+Kegel (5-50 reps, based on feel)

Daily: Wear Blakoe Ring/Ball Zinger, and Kegels throughout day
Every Second Day: Bind knees together with belt overnight

Time: to within 0.25” of length or girth goal (currently 8x5.5 bpe)


Once I’ve begun to approach my goal, I will want to re-evaluate my goals, and my acheivements. Do I need more work on girth? Length? Proportion? Curving? This phase will be executed based on my accrued experience, and will be almost entirely ‘instinctual’ in fundament.

Maintenance Regimen components (suggested):
For length: Bib Hanging
For girth: Horse440s
For curvature: biased Jelq/stretching/over-the-leg hanging
For proportion: Target lagging zones

Daily: Wear Blakoe Ring/Ball Zinger (maybe)

Time: To goal (currently 8x5.5 bpe)

So.. let’s hear what you(plural) think!


* While I’ve planned out something fairly elaborate here, its only purpose is to concretise my goals and approach. In execution, I tend to be a bit more ‘seat of the pants’ and realistic about my self-discipline.

Thanks to:
ThunderSS, for a very informative and entertaining site
exact, for his thread on the durability of PE gains
Horse440, Bib, Tom Hubbard, and (thigh-press-together-guy?) for PE technique insights.
All those who have demonstrated their kinship by posting on these boards.


If you want people to reply to a post, don’t put (LONG POST) in the title.

Sorry peeps :P I’ll be editing the above shortly, as I’m still deciding on how I want to start PE. In the meanwhile, I’m enjoying discussion in other threads.

No replies but over a 100 views.


Yeah, I noticed.. Odd that :P Thanks for making me feel special, Guiri ;)

Coconut oil??

It is elaborate, better than most paysites. :D It looks just a little too ambitious also. I think you should do your first month’s program and then reevaluate what the next month’s program should be. You may find that you don’t like stratching at all or some other unforseen problem. And if you can’t keep strictly to your program, don’t let it bother you, just make the adjustments you feel that are necessary for your continued interest, motivation and effectivemess.

Penis Enlargement Forum -- How To Jelq -- Free Penis Enlargement Videos

Make a Donation This place runs on donations, help out if you can. Thanks.


As noted at the end of my post, my “program” is overly structured on purpose. But I will keep your advice in mind, Thunder, thanks! I’ll probably extend Phase 2 a few months as well.

Since I’m not in a rush, I’m going to give myself lots of leeway to experiment what what’s effective for me. I’ve been practicing some of the exercises 5-10 reps at a time, and I think the jelq is going to be my favourite.

One thing I did realise upon re-reading, is that I have Horse440s in there almost from the beginning. In execution, I’m probably going to hold off those until I see how my body reacts to the jelq and stretching.

And about the coconut oil; not only did I hear some good things about it here (for jelqing and whatnot), but it’s good for the skin in general. I tend to get dry skin now and then.

Since I found this place through, it’s possible that the “coconut oil” thread was there, not here. I’d consider cocoa butter as well. Anything but dry jelquing, which I’ve practiced (I just don’t get much ‘feel’ from it).

I distinctly remember reading up on coconut oil w/PE, though, because it’s a common skin product in Trinidad (I’m half-Trini) and it stuck out in my mind.


Great, that you took the time and effort to learn about PEing. Would save you a lot of time and trouble.

The actual PEing, though, is done by experience and seeing how your penis reacts. This of course takes time to learn by itself. So,
first start out, see how it goes, and then prepare the plan :)
Although, I guess, it’s definitely ok to plan ahead, you can always change it :)

Regarding the beginner part: I see no point in that semi erect stretches at that phase. Pull strong enough to make it work, and it’s like stressing the penis with some hardcore jelqing. Also,
after a month or two, you can increase the jelq intensity. This of course depends on what you mean by “light” jelq. Again, you’d have to see how your penis reacts, and decide.

Stretch wise - my personal feeling is that one should not grasp the head, as this can cause loss of sensitivity. Many would disagree, though, and say it’s better then grasping under the head.


Thanks all, for the advice!

So, PEnister (nice name btw), you’re saying I should go with flaccid stretches? That simplifies my “beginner” routine. I like =) As far as stretching grasp, my flaccid is small enough (so far) that I can just grip the entire shaft. By the time I get to the point that my hands don’t do the trick, I’ll probably look into V-stretches and/or light hanging.

And the only reason I was so detailed in my plan is that I’m lazy. So when I’m actually inspired to work, I try to get as much done as possible, even if it means more than required, so that I can go back to being lazy A.S.A.P. ;) I can always change it later, as has been noted by PE and Thunder.


That was just my 0.02 cents and definitely not what you “should” or “shouldn’t” do :) I’m no expert.

Would be nice to see comments by board vets.


Don’t worry, I’m plenty stubborn ;) But when I see sensible advice, I take it. Especially since time/privacy is a concern, so I’ll be engaging in stealth-PE.

Hey Jab:

Man!!!! Want to write my marketing plan? I just started PE a month ago. Started off each day with 10 mins am 10 mins pm of jelqing (which I don’t like), manual stretching and I do kegels thru-out the day (when I remeber them). The second week went up to 15 mins per am and pm. Am now using a Bib Starter (so I’ve dropped the manual stretching) for 15 mins am and 15 pm with 2 lbs. Will not increase weight for at least a month and then no more than 4 lbs total. I’ve not made any gains as yet - it’s far too early, and and do not plan on measuring but every 2 - 3 months.

Two things you’ll learn about this PE stuff, Jab, the guys on this site are really great to bounce things off (hand me a brick). I mean, if you’d told me 2 months ago I’d be talking about my dick - especially how small it is - with a bunch of guys, I’d ask what you’d been smoking. In addition,there is not one damned thing consistent about PEing.


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