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Stretch then jelq

Stretch then jelq

Stretch then jelq.

Hello everybody,this might have been covered somewhere else but I think it’s important.

This might be some good information for newbie’s and well everybody else.
I have started PE several times only to give up because of work etc.
But this time I made a commitment to myself that I will PE for till I reach my goal.
And I already ordered the modified vac extender.

What I want to say is that I have started PE again 2 weeks ago and I have been very focused
On length therefore I have stretched about minimum 10 min every day not much but still
And then I have been jelqing for 10 to 15 min.

As I told you I have started to PE before and back then I didn’t stretch much because I bought
The Penise master (which is the reason for me purchasing the modified vac extender) and I thought
That the Penise master would do the lengthening so I didn’t care much about stretching and so
I just did the jelqing routine and I got injuries you know like busted blood vessels so I had to
Take some weeks off and that’s another reason to forget about it.
But the last 2 weeks I have been stretching and then jelqing and it suddenly appeared to me that
I can do I really good jelq session after I have done some stretching I and thought to my self
Why is that?.
Well I think not only is stretching good for working on length but it’s also a really good warm-up
Exercise maybe the best you can do before you start to jelq.
Because when you stretch your “friend” it’s and excellent way to make the tissue in your “friend”
Relaxed and more expandable so to speak ore more elastic and that’s what you want if you are going
To jelq. It’s like a sports gymnast stretching the body before doing some really flexible stuff.

So in my opinion if you stretch before jelq your “friend” will not be as easy to damage but please still be careful.

So stretch then jelq for better PE experience.

7.8 will be great


I have actually found the reverse to be true. If I jelq first, I can get a much better stretch.

Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal: my strength lies solely in my tenacity.

Louis Pasteur

Funny you brought this up. I was thinking about the order of this today. I’ve been performing stretches before jelqing for some time now, and I’m thinking about reversing it. I’ve noticed that if I stretch first, the skin is more sensitive, in a sort of irritating way which makes it a little more difficult to maintain the appropriate erection for jelqing. I think I’m going to try jelqing first this week and see how it goes. If that doesn’t work I may have to seperate jelqing and stretching into two different times of day.

Start: 6/30/2007 - (NBPEL 6.25", BPEL - 7"), (Mid EG 5.25") (Base EG 5 3/4")

11/10/2007 - (NBPEL 6.75", BPEL - 7.5"), (Mid EG 5.5") (Base EG 6")

Goal: 7.5 NBPEL, 6" Midshaft EG

Originally Posted by Iguana
I have actually found the reverse to be true. If I jelq first, I can get a much better stretch.

Doesn’t the lube affect your grip for stretching?

I stretch both before (simple manual / V / BTC / simple bends — not sure if they’re officially “o-bends”) and after (JAI).

The lube doesn’t affect your grip if you take it off… just wipe off and use a cloth for extra grip.

God gave me: 4.75" BPEL / 5" EG

Currently: 6" BPEL / 5.25" EG

Goal: 7" BPEL / 5.75" EG

I don’t lube before I stretch I lube when I jelq.

Jake8 I only stretch for about 10 to 15 min
So then skin is not that sensitive but diff penis’s diff experiences.

Iguana I think the reason why you get harder erection if you jelq before stretching is because your penile tissue is in “cold” mode if you warm up your penis with heat and
Stretching your tissues will be more relaxed , it’s what I think. :-)

Well I wasted like 5 months of stretching because I used to stretch after jelqing and without cleaning the lube, therefore not gaining anything. But I’ve been stretching properly for the last 3 weeks and I think I’m starting to see some progress.

Yes, you need to make sure you wash/wipe the lube off good or else it can be like trying to grab a greased pig.

I notice this because I was measuring my BPFSL before and after stretching. I used to always stretch first.
One day I had to switch the order because of some scheduling issue and I measure about 1/4” longer after
jelqing first. I think jelqing relaxes the tissues give you a better stretch. Just my opinion.

Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal: my strength lies solely in my tenacity.

Louis Pasteur

Iguana maybe you are right I just think that a good stretch before jelq somehow limits the possible injuries

That can be done jelqing but everybody got there own way to do it :)

I stretch before I jelq, and for me, it worked better that way than the opposite. Firstly, if I jelq first I will not be able to get soft enough for stretching. Secondly my penis is more “stretchy” if I stretch before.

Obsession is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated.

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AOM's training log

I’m with aom91 on this one. If I jelq first, my hands and penis are slippery, and I can’t stay soft enough to stretch. I don’t remember what I posted long ago as more effective for me, but I always stretch first.

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