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Short on time...Jelq or stretch?

Short on time...Jelq or stretch?

There are a lot of times that I don’t have much privacy or I have a busy schedule. Some days I only have about 15-20 minutes for PE. Should I stretch and jelq or should I mainly focus on stretching? I’m going more for length.

Based on your length focus, I’d stretch/blast 75% and jelq 50% erect 25% of your available time. Make sure you do some light jelqing after heavy stretching to restore blood flow and prevent shrinky dick…

i’d work a routine for both if your just gettin used to pe. if you do both it will give you a good base for the more advanced excersises later on.

Use a regimen like this:

5 min hot wrap warm up with 100 kegels( every 10 do a reverse kegel)
ten 30 sec streches of your choice ( v, jai,a, whaterever)
4 sets of 50 jelqs( try alternating from overhand to underhand grip)
5 min hot wrap warm down

altough you dont have alot of time, still try a concentrate on each excerise, so you got the most out of them. if you got a comments reply back to see if i can help

Thanks guys, thats good advice for a shortened routine. I didn’t know if I should jelq when I’m short on time but it sounds like I should. One more question though: The main reason I didn’t want to Jelq when I was short on time is because the lubing and all that is messy and takes time. You guys think dry jelquing is effective and do you have any pointers on it? I’ve tried it before and couldn’t get the hang of it.

Originally posted by TheSkeptic
You guys think dry jelquing is effective and do you have any pointers on it? I've tried it before and couldn't get the hang of it.

I think its RB who has had great success with dry jelqing and prefers it over lubed. I think he gained about 3” in a year from primarily dry jelqing and doing it in 6, 5 minute sessions throughout the day due to work. Maybe you can PM him or just run a search on “dry jelq*”, which should yeild you some positive info that you are looking for. This may also work for your shortened time frame to dedicate to PE by breaking it up into 5 min sessions. Good Luck.

Is it really possible to gain 3” buy jelqing in one year? How much of this can be due to lig release and how much real outer penis enlargement? Any percentage ?

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