Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Stretching peeling skin

Stretching peeling skin

I noticed when I stretch the skin at the base of the penis is peeling off

And it stays after I’m done.

This happened to anyone?

Hm mm, of the little PE I did, that didn’t happen to me, maybe your pulling it on it too hard?

I’ve got it too, I had it when I did PE about 4 months back for 2 months, and I’ve got it again as I’ve just started now, I think it’s to much work too fast. Either way, keep your member moisturised and keep at it (at least that’s what I do). The skin underneath is nice and smooth feels good, looks great.

Starting Stats: BPEL- 5 2/8" BG- 4 4/8" MSG - 4 4/8" - Jan 2006

Goals: Till Mrs. K, can't take no more. :rear:

I’m having that similar problem. I tried using toilet paper for better grip when stretching and the skin under and around my glans gets the point that it hurts. Am I tugging to hard?? Seems like I have to tug pretty hard so I can feel those ligs stretchin.well just in certain directions anyways.

I also have a problem with keeping my member in the flaccid state.keeps getting erect. Anyone else have that problem? How can I do my stretches without getting wood? How hard do I have to tug?

Start: 7.2" BPEL, EG = 5"

Current: 7 7/8" BPEL, 7" NBPEL, 8" BPFSL, EG(midshaft) = 5 5/8"

Goal: 8" NBPEL, EG = 6.5"

I wouldn’t say the toilet paper is a good idea, simply because the paper will tend to absorb small amounts of oil that lie on the surface of your skin this would generally keep your member in a normal condition. If you’ve ever been ill and had and blocked up nose, if you notice using tissue all the time will make your nose quite red and sore also. As far as having grip problems go, you could try using a moist wash cloth, short of that you could purchase the redi stretcher, I’ve heard that has been very decent for people. I cannot tell you yet as mine is currently being delivered, I will post back with a small review if it works out.

Starting Stats: BPEL- 5 2/8" BG- 4 4/8" MSG - 4 4/8" - Jan 2006

Goals: Till Mrs. K, can't take no more. :rear:

Yeah, I can try using a damp cloth.any other suggestions out there??

How much tension should I be putting on my member?? If I pull too hard I can only hold it for so long.

How much manual stretching should I do before I start hanging??

If anyone can answer these questions that would be helpful, thanks.

Start: 7.2" BPEL, EG = 5"

Current: 7 7/8" BPEL, 7" NBPEL, 8" BPFSL, EG(midshaft) = 5 5/8"

Goal: 8" NBPEL, EG = 6.5"

Take a break, should only require 3 days.. Moisturise 3 - 5 times a day everyday to keep the skin soft, and then go back to it. Hopefully the skin will be tougher and this will prevent how raw it is. I also have to pull my ligs very hard to stretched them.

Out of interest. Have you tried the V stretches, they can be found in the newbie guide somewhere, and these seem to reduce the pressure on my head quite a bit.

Starting Stats: BPEL- 5 2/8" BG- 4 4/8" MSG - 4 4/8" - Jan 2006

Goals: Till Mrs. K, can't take no more. :rear:


Damn double post now, found it too late well there’s good advice on V stretches there hope this helps

Starting Stats: BPEL- 5 2/8" BG- 4 4/8" MSG - 4 4/8" - Jan 2006

Goals: Till Mrs. K, can't take no more. :rear:

Thx Kesman:)

Start: 7.2" BPEL, EG = 5"

Current: 7 7/8" BPEL, 7" NBPEL, 8" BPFSL, EG(midshaft) = 5 5/8"

Goal: 8" NBPEL, EG = 6.5"

Oje 2,

I do not have that problem, but I think I have your solution. OK, so when you stretch your skin gets dry and raw. I suggest using Vaseline (petroleum jelly) when jelqing. It is a little messier than some lotions, but it is really really great for skin. I kid you not, my penis looks beautiful, well hydrated, smooth, great texture, ( not to mention bigger and fuller from PE, now at 7 3/4inches by 6 inches!).

Give it a try, and post how your conditions are.

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