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stretching questions for newbies

stretching questions for newbies

what growth rate can I expect from stretching? ive been doing it 2 days on, 2days off, for 3 to 4 weeks, and it went from 6.25 to 6.5 by about the second week, but I haven’t seen much change since then. Am I being too anxious? should I be seeing more results by now, or should it take way longer to see more results?
What should I expect and how what results should I be looking for? How long should it be taking?

At first I felt an incredible stretch and pull on the ligs in my dick, but now, the pull I feel seems to be fading away more. Its not LOOSING progress is it? Im pulling as hard as I can without loosing my grip, so is it a good point now to start using a stretching device with weights, or should I wait a little longer for that?

any insight it greatly appreciated.

Wait atleast another 2 months

Nbpel - 6.5" Bpel 7.25" Eg 5.125"

Not to bust your bubble but the first gains are easy and then you feel like, “ahhh man this is easy, why doesn’t everyone have an 8 X 6”. What you realize is that after the first month or two everything slows down a bit. Now is when you have to stick with it and work for the little gains.

For the most part they will continue but at a much slower rate.

Remember, it is not a spring but a marathon.

Good luck

Sometime in 2005: Bpel 5.7, eg 4.3: 7/15/07 bpel=6.1, eg 4.6

Now bpel 6.50, eg 5.30 bpfsl 6.50

Goal bpel 7.0 - 7.5, eg 5.5

very good insight, and thanks everyone.

how about the hanging devices. will weights only be good after a couple of months, or is it ok to use it now if I want?

Hey Thick,

I’m not sure what hold means but I have a funny idea.

Anyways, I would leave hanging for a bit. It is more for the advanced users. Just stick with the newbie routine until you get the hang of that and then you can start the tougher stuff.

Sometime in 2005: Bpel 5.7, eg 4.3: 7/15/07 bpel=6.1, eg 4.6

Now bpel 6.50, eg 5.30 bpfsl 6.50

Goal bpel 7.0 - 7.5, eg 5.5

Do you jelq at all?

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Yes, I always always always jelq. In fact, as I am getting more used to a proper jelq routine, and as I get the idea of how to trap the blood in as I jelq, so that I can do it longer, I find myself wanting to do that more than stretching even. But I usually jelq after stretching so that I can keep up with my girth. I’m at 6.25 to 6.5 in length, and 5.75 to 6 in girth. It seems to vary from time to time, and I’m not sure why, but since the idea is to make it increase beyond those higher amounts, I always try to max it out so that at the end of a session, I will have the maximum length and girth. Sometimes my dick seems to refuse to be at it’s maximum, and I don’t know why. Other times, it seems to max out almost effortlessly.

If I feel less of a stretch (pull), while manually stretching, does this mean that I will not see more results until I get a stronger pull. I always try to pull as hard as I need to in order to feel the stretch. But lately, I have not felt much of a stretch when pulling down, even when I pull as hard as I can. I do feel the stretch however when I pull to the sides, and when I pull up. What do you more experienced guys think of this? I’m giving myself a couple of days to rest, before I stretch again. Hopefully after this, I will feel more of a stretch. I stretch again tomorrow. I’ll post my experience tomorrow, but meanwhile, someone let me know what you think of this. Is it a negative sign for the feeling of the stretch to go away from the top ligs (when pulling straight down), or does this simply mean that a different area of my dick needs to be stretched out before I can go back to the top ligs?

Good Question thick17, I am experiencing the exact same thing, except I don’t stretch up like you. I hope one of the vets can give an answer.

You don’t have to pul as hard as you can; this is counter-productive. The effect of stretches should be cumulative: after 5-10 min. you could feel a light burning inside your penis; this is a good sign. But you could also have no feeling of real stress: this is not necessarily a proof that work isn’t effective.

However, when we speak about stretching, it’s the total time of work that really does the difference, not the hardness of pulls.

What burning feeling are you talking about. I just try to pull by holding the dick head, and I usually feel a pull, or (a feeling of being stretched), that sometimes even hurts a little bit, but not to a serious point. So I usually assume I am doing the stretch right when I can feel the result of the stretch to the point where I know that the ligs are receiving tension that is higher that normal. I have no idea of what a burning sensation in my penis should feel like though. Do you mean the burning sensation in the ligs from being stretched or an actual burning ‘inside’ the penis.

Also, as for the results I promised, I gave it a few days and the stretching feeling came back, so I think that after stretching it so many days in a row, it becomes fatigued and needs a couple days rest in order to re-harden for more active stretching, thus the whole point of rest days.

Hah! Yes, first you must stop doing the 2day on and 2day off crap. It’s very counterproductive, either do all 5 days in a row then two days off, or 7 days with no days off, or day on and day off. All those are tried and true methods. Also look up LOT theory, this will help provide you with the stretch feeling you may or may not be missing. Do not pull as hard as you can, you should not have to, but pull as hard as necessary to feel the stretch. The burning sensation Marinera was referring to would be the same feeling you get when you do a v stretch with your legs, as if going for a split, you should most defiantly feel a burning sensation in your legs. However it takes a little longer for your penis to acquire that same feeling when you are stretching. Try to change it up and use these.

Aided inverted v stretch
V stretch
Uli #3
Wet/Dry jelqs
Stretches in all directions (look for LOT)
BTC stretch
Jai Stretch
Golf Weights (check out B.G.’s thread)
Therma wrap (check out B.G.’s thread) “never let it turtle”
Ads (static stretcher, penismaster, your own custom design, these are pricey however)
Hanging,Tunica/Ligs (many different styles, try looking for Bib’s first)

Good Luck!

Sheesh! I feel like I’m getting dizzy.

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