Thunder's Place

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Stretching Questions

Stretching Questions


Well I have been doing Jelq for 1.5months and have decided to take Stretching on board to my routine as I have read that Stretching gives better length gains then jelq but just have some questions about Stretching

Well I have read some things about nerve damage and things so is there anything I should look out for like what is the cause of doing this??

So when you grab 1inch behind your gland and pull how tight should you grip be as I need to have quite a strong grip so hold it down as the blood in the gland gives me something to hold onto and after about 15seconds the blood will go back into my penis so I loose grip and have to let go.

You don’t have to warmup to Stretching, or it’s better to warm up so the skin can Stretch more?

Well thank you for your help

Hi redgod,

Originally Posted by redgod
Well I have read some things about nerve damage and things so is there anything I should look out for like what is the cause of doing this??

It’s always good to be aware of nerve damage. Things to look out? Well, properly stretching (as what it says in PE manual) won’t cause any nerve damage (I guess).

Originally Posted by redgod
So when you grab 1inch behind your gland and pull how tight should you grip be as I need to have quite a strong grip so hold it down as the blood in the gland gives me something to hold onto and after about 15seconds the blood will go back into my penis so I loose grip and have to let go.

Your grip should be tight enough so that you can stretch your penis for 15 or 30 seconds without slipping over the glans.
You decide how tight your grip is and how hard you stretch OK? What we usually say is “listen to your penis when you PE”.

Originally Posted by redgod
You don’t have to warmup to Stretching, or it’s better to warm up so the skin can Stretch more?

Ofcourse you do have to warm up. It’s always good to proceed PEing with warming up.

Originally Posted by redgod
Well thank you for your help

You’re welcome, I hope that would help.



7 x 6 EG is perfect!

Routine : Manual-V-Inverted V-JAI-BTC stretches (alot of stretches :D ). Wet Jelq, Pumping (once a week to maintain my girth)

Originally Posted by daboogies
Hi redgod,

It’s always good to be aware of nerve damage. Things to look out? Well, properly stretching (as what it says in PE manual) won’t cause any nerve damage (I guess).

You are correct :up:

Originally Posted by daboogies
Ofcourse you do have to warm up. It’s always good to proceed PEing with warming up.

Indeed warming up is recommended, especially when you are a newbie. Personally I only warm up by getting an erection.

I think stretching works best when gripping the glans, not behind it.

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by mravg
I think stretching works best when gripping the glans, not behind it.

Behind the glans works generally better, is easier, less sensitive and has less loss of sensitivity.

Thank you all, well I will start softly and just take it easy, I read that you should grip 1” behind the gland.

Thank you all, good place this

Ok well I have some more questions.

When you manual stretch should I have the foreskin pulled back?

When stretching downwards the penis should be stretched straight down as I have read something about kinks which is when pulling down the the end of the penis but the end will go to the side which is bad as it damages a vital nerve.

So is this correct? Please correct me if I’m wrong

So if this important nerve is located on the topside of the penis then wouldn’t stretching effect it? Is it located like right near the gland??

Last of all I have read the the OK over hang grip is the best because it doesn’t put pressure on the top or the penis where the glans are located. So if I was to do a overhang grip and put 90% of the pressure on the sides would this be better?

Thank you, I wanna know all I can before I hurt something, I’m doing it now but just not extream

The band of nerves is going alongside your urethra on the downside of your penis.
Try pinching it a little and you’ll notice ;) (ok ok.. Don’t do that! Damaged nerves take long to heal up.. hehe)
It’s also why having friction going on there will get your aroused and ready to come pretty quick (after all it’s the nerves main street on their way to eg. the glans and generally all over your penis.. so to speak).

On the overhand OK grip: Better try to hold your dick altogether while leaving less pressure on the _downside_.
Oh and one thing: When your hand/dick slips so the pressure is being held by the glans stop immediately and grip again some way below. The glans doesn’t like this kinda behaviour :)

Stretching downwards is usually done to mainly target the ligaments holding your penis in place for fast beginner’s gains.
The upward stretch targets mainly the CC/CS (the two chambers making up the main body of your penis) and to a lesser extent the ligs holding it.

Don’t overdo lig stretching since they can take quite some time to heal.. Make sure your dick and the ligs holding it are _fully_ warmed before doing lig (AKA downward) stretching.


Originally Posted by redgod
Ok well I have some more questions.

When you manual stretch should I have the foreskin pulled back?

No, I stretch for a year now and always leaved the foreskin on the glans. I gained 4.5cm, kept my sensitivity and I didn’t have any problems

Originally Posted by redgod
When stretching downwards the penis should be stretched straight down as I have read something about kinks which is when pulling down the the end of the penis but the end will go to the side which is bad as it damages a vital nerve.

So is this correct? Please correct me if I’m wrong

Don’t bent the penis, but you could for instance pull to downwards left or downwards right to stretch different areas. Personally this worked good for me.

Originally Posted by redgod
So if this important nerve is located on the topside of the penis then wouldn’t stretching effect it? Is it located like right near the gland??

Nearly everyone here stretches. Most guys experience an increase in sensitivity by performing PE. So it will not damage the nerve apparently.

Originally Posted by redgod
Last of all I have read the the OK over hang grip is the best because it doesn’t put pressure on the top or the penis where the glans are located. So if I was to do a overhang grip and put 90% of the pressure on the sides would this be better?

Decide on yourself what feels better for your dick.

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