Stretching Routine Length?
I’m starting a routine with just stretching and it consists of the following:
5 minute warmup
Up, down, left, right 30 seconds each. two sets of this
Up, down, left, right V stretches at base, then midshaft 30 seconds each
Up, down, left, right 30 seconds each. two sets of this
(Total of 12 minutes stretching)
5 minute warmdown
and I am on 3on/1off. Each pull definitely has some tension. It isn’t painful by any means but I think that if I pulled any harder it would be. Is this a solid routine in terms of length and types of stretches? I am very new to stretching specific routines so I would appreciate any feedback thanks!
Start: 5.25x4.75 8/2006
Now 6.0x5.125 10/17/2008
Goal: 7.5x5.5