Stretching sets.
Hi guys, I got another question… Can someone help me out on this one?
Well, currently my routine is 5 min hot wrap
3 sets of stretches to all directions, each stretch 40 secs (5 sec kegel 5 sec without) —> I stretch to all directions 40 secs, 3 times one after another.
then 350 jelqs 3 sec jelq.
Since I started this routine the workouts take quite long, for a realitivly beginner (about 3 months in). Since what takes off most of my time is the stretching routines, I wonderd…. If I cut off the sets, will that effect my stretching season alot? Making the workout on my dick lower then before, and the growth will be much lower?
What if i take off one set, but add 5-10 secs for each strech, will it be better?