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Supplements that improve the health of your cocksex drive

Supplements that improve the health of your cocksex drive

In my searches around here I’ve come across a lot of stuff that seems worth a try. I thought I’d add my ten cents regarding herbal supplements that I’ve found improved my sex life/ cock health.

The two notables are red korean ginsing (whole root) and yohimbe bark (in liquid tincture).

The korean ginseng should be purchased at an asian market or herb supplier. It’s the kind that comes in a wooden box which contains around 20 whole roots or so. These are rock hard. In order to use them you place a root into a hot oven for about 2-5 minutes after which time they will soften. You immediately cut them into one inch pieces before they cool (quickly or they will harden again and just shatter when you try to cut them). You then take these one inch pieces and eat them/ suck on them until they dissolve once or twice a day.

You want to talk about energy!

Holy shit, I cannot say enough about what red korean ginsing will do for you. It can also be purchased on the web. Cock-wise you will notice more frequent errections, harder errections, and more ejaculate. My chick also says it makes the cum particularly “sweet” so I guess that’s good too.

Now the yohimbe tincture is something you can purchase at most health food stores. I take (when I’m taking it) two dropperfulls a day. You put it under your tongue, hold it for as long as possible, and then swallow it.

I pretty much used to scoff at the idea of aphrodesiacs, but yohimbe bark is for real. The most notable thing it does for me is that it increases the frequency of errection (morning wood anyone?) and strength of errection.

I’ve been using herbal medicines *extensively* for the past fifteen years and I’m certainly not bullshitting you on these. They do work. As to whether they will work for you and how much is subjective to such things as your personal constitution, your diet, and your sensitivity to such things.

Now that I’m doing PE, I’m going back onto these supplements because I believe that they will complement the PE for many of the same reasons (whatever they may be) that they seem to affect male sexual health in general.

And as an aside, red korean ginsing has been statistcally and scientifically proven time and time again to improve stamina, oxygen utilization, immunity, and to decrease aging factors such as cellular oxidation and fatigue.


Interesting info :)

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Guys, please do some resurch on yohimbe before you start dosing. Some guys get great results, some have very bad reactions.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

<<<Guys, please do some resurch on yohimbe before you start dosing. Some guys get great results, some have very bad reactions.>>>

Thanks iamaru! Shouldn’t have left the disclaimer out. I should have also mentioned that I don’t have any allergies or tendancies toward them and tolerate natural herbal medicine very well. People who are very sensitive should always begin using herbal supplements by testing a single drop under the tongue and then working their way up to a well tolerated max. Dose.

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