Thunder's Place

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Temporary Decrease in Morning Wood

Temporary Decrease in Morning Wood

Hey guys,

I have been doing PE for about one month now. My routine is as follows:

Every other day
5 min warm heat
5 min stretch straight out
5 min stretch down
15 min jelq

I was reading Sparkyx’s post on physiological indicators and it said that it’s not normal for morning wood to decrease. Now when I first started PE, I had great morning wood. Now I don’t have morning wood the day after I do PE. However, the day after that, I get morning wood and occasional erections throughout the day.

If this is a case of overdoing the PE, how should I alter my routine to fix this?

Is it an issue of too much intensity or too much volume?

What are your gains telling you? Are you gaining? If you are then the decrease in morningwood the day after is telling you you are on the right path. I would tend to say that just a decrease in morning wood is normal the morning after PE. I mean you are straining it to some degree so there are going to be reactions to that. I would be more concerned if they went away all together and didn’t come back for a while. If they come back just as strong after your rest day then you may be fine. But again, using PIs has to be done in conjunction with gains. That is the only way to tell if your PIs are positive or negative.


I think this is very good info, erections decreasing is hopefully a sign of a tired (but healing) penis :)

May the force (of your hand) be with you. :littleguy

Maybe you need more rest between PE sessions, don’t over do it.

May the force (of your hand) be with you. :littleguy

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