Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Thanks thunders

Thanks thunders

I was at a bar tonight and I went to the bathroom. This guy came in and said he had a “pp” a penis problem. He said he had a 8.5” dick so far. I was glad to say that I had a 9”. Thanks thunders for giving me something to win with. It made me feel great.

Hmmm?? :confused:

I’m glad to say noone has yet consulted me about their large penis problems while I’ve been using the mens toilets. Was it a gay establishment?

Feb 2004 BPEL 6.7" NBPEL ???? BPFSL ???? EG 5.65" Feb 2005 BPEL 7.1" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 6.9" EG 5.8" Feb 2006 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.6" EG 5.85" Feb 2007 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.5" EG 5.9"

Why would an 8.5” dick be a problem? Unless he mend circumference! (I don’t think so)

Originally Posted by davesj1
I was at a bar tonight and I went to the bathroom. This guy came in and said he had a “pp” a penis problem. He said he had a 8.5” dick so far. I was glad to say that I had a 9”. Thanks thunders for giving me something to win with. It made me feel great.

So a guy walked up to you in the bathroom, and said he does PE (from the “growing” comment) and hes 8.5”, to which you reply “I’m 9 inches”?

Sorry but I…..*trying to phrase this politely*…..don’t think that happened….:rofl:

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

I’d dream about having that kind of problem! 8.5”…. sheez!


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