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The Meaning of Length gain?

The Meaning of Length gain?

I am wondering if anyone here can explain what exactly length gains are? Are they in fact “new” penis that you obtain due to cell mitosis or simply just the appearance of more penis due to stretched skin and ligaments?

You see, I have a feeling that initial gains are due to stretched skin & ligs, and I notice people getting some huge gains in their first 6-12 months of stretching. An example of this is a gymnast who begins to learn how to do the splits. At first, this gymnast’s ability to split is bad, and he/she can split to about 140 degrees (180 being a full split). Consider this 140 degrees an analogy to a man’s starting length. After enough stretching and conditioning, the gymnast can eventually do a fully split, somehow “gaining” more degrees of angle. But you and I know the gymnast wasn’t gaining anything, he/she was simply fulfilling the potential of his/her physiology. So when I began some minimal stretching in July (before my PE program even began) I seemed to have gained close to 0.5” in BPEL (still being assessed for accuracy)!!! But I know that isn’t some crazy mitosis speed, it seems to me that its stretched skin and ligaments. Furthermore, due to this type of gain, I would definitely have to stretch consistently to cement it.

And this leads me to think that gains beyond a year tend to come slower because they are in fact, a result of a mitosis-like scenario. I would venture to guess that in this latter phase you actually “build new penis” hence the time and effort required to make these gains.

Hopefully my initial gains can get me to hit 6” BPEL from 5” BPEL (starting stat) and I sit currently anywhere from 5.2” to 5.5” depending on EQ. Gains were made via every-other-day minimal stretching and jelqing (less than 15 minutes).

So what do you think, is my take on length gains a reasonable explanation or is it purely noob school of thought? LOL

p.s. I don’t believe I’ve made any significant gains in girth (though thats what I want the most), but it does visually appear that my base girth has grown (perhaps 0.125”). I have a hell of a time measuring girth so I will get that updated later in my log/progress report.

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Your idea about newbie gains is plausible, and the gymnast analogy is good. I think newbie gains are largely due to:
1. Loosened/lengthened ligs.
2. Exposing some inner penis out.
3. Improved EQ.

Most guys seem to have a relatively quick and easy (first six months of consistent work) .25-.5 waiting for them. I think there might be a further .5 available from the same things (further loosening/lengthening ligs, exposing more inner penis, and further improving EQ) but it gets slower and harder. After that it probably does move into “growing new penis,” though the mechanisms are still unclear to me, and I’m not sure anyone really understands what goes on. There may be some mitosis, but it could also be increasing collagenous tissue due to healing microtears and increasing the volume of blood the penis can hold.

Last edited by cheeva : 08-04-2008 at .

If what you (Cheeva) and I say have some legitimacy to it, wouldn’t that further give benefit to surgical lengthening procedures? In such a procedure, your ligaments are cut, so you have one less factor hindering your stretch potential (the other factors being skin and the internal penile tissue). This is assuming we had little or no worry of complications and retractions (so this is basically hypothetical).

Of course there is the risk of retraction (which is the opposite effect the surgery’s objective is supposed to have) due to scarring at the site where the ligaments were cut, but that is the main reason I haven’t gotten the procedure done already.

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The surgical lengthening procedure just cuts the ligs. You still have to stretch/wear an ADS. Doing it naturally by jelqing, stretching, ADS, hanging, etc. is a much better option IMO because you are not undermining the structural integrity of your unit. The ligs are there for good reason, IMO. When you do it naturally you are stretching and loosening the ligs, and maybe even ‘peeling’ them off the pubic bone a bit, but by doing it slowly and naturally your unit remains strong at the base while it grows.

I think over time guys who stick with a natural PE routine will see greater gains with far, far less complications than those who go for the shortcut of surgery. Just my opinion.

Yes, the complications is what makes it a more serious undertaking - but as one of the phalloplasty doctors told me by phone (I know I know, they are trying to sell their product, but they are still in fact - MDs) is that the ligaments have a primitive origin (in biological evolution) in that many mammals were on all four legs and that humans too (dating wayyy back on the evolutionary time scale) were on four legs, the ligaments provided a support for sexual acts that were more 4-legged in orientation. He said now they have become as useless as tonsils and other known-to-be insignifcant organs. He also said that the direction of your erect penis has almost nothing to do with the ligs and almost entirely to do with erection quality - to counter a point of those who are against the procedure.

But your point is well taken that length via natural PE takes on a natural and more gradual approach which may contribute to a better overall healthy unit. But, should lengthening surgery ever become very efficient in the future, I wouldn’t be surprised more length gainers here resorting to that method to assist in PE gains. And, I would disagree with the term “shortcut,” but I would see it more as a PE aid. Even you mentioned that ADS would have to be a serious part of someone’s regimen to even make the surgery effective to begin with.

But as of now I am not rushing to get a length procedure, because just from stretch work I’ve gained nearly a half an inch in length in a month that wasn’t even technically devoted to PE. I just hope that my lig stretching can get me to 6”. I just wonder how much the first phase of length gains (presuming our theories are correct) can last out.

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