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The mysterious "tail-bone muscle"

The mysterious "tail-bone muscle"

I’ve found on this forum this kind of anatomy revelation that surprisingly really works! - And I was wondering if it’s not the PC muscle to be honest or the iliococcygeus muscle - both of them are parts of the levator ani muscle and both have their attachment point on the coccyx bone. Do You have any idea is this the right way of thinking? I must say that effects that give workout of this “muscle” are really good and are somehow similar to few tartaric exercises.

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There is a different muscle, it’s not the PC. With practice you can manage the muscles in that area separately, but most of us initially treat all of them as one response because the impulses all travel down the same group of nerves.

Here is one of the best articles you will find on the subject written by our own westla: Locating the bc muscle

Gprent - I know, this article already hangs over my bed :D But seriously - because of THIS article I was wondering if the “tail-bone muscle” (and it was “gottagrow” user I believe who had firstly introduced this term) is the PC muscle which westla described that is attached to the coccyx.

To Johanson - I wonder which muscle it can be in this situation.. None of the anatomy atlas I know shows such a muscle.

I read about this in a Tao book once upon a time. Perhaps it’s a different portion of the same muscle or perhaps two muscles that we think of as one? I’m not sure, since it’s not my specialty. I just know there were exercises that helped to control the anus, BC/PC, and this third one that ran from the base of the back forward.

It was a fairly odd experience and I’ve been trying to relearn it. I’ve found the book but it’s quite large and I haven’t gotten to where it talks about it. If/when I find I’ll post.

Originally Posted by Johanson
I read about this in a Tao book once upon a time. Perhaps it’s a different portion of the same muscle or perhaps two muscles that we think of as one? I’m not sure, since it’s not my specialty. I just know there were exercises that helped to control the anus, BC/PC, and this third one that ran from the base of the back forward.

It was a fairly odd experience and I’ve been trying to relearn it. I’ve found the book but it’s quite large and I haven’t gotten to where it talks about it. If/when I find I’ll post.

It is said this way because it feels like they are attached to the tail bone. Inervation comes from s1 and s2. This is where the tail bone sensation comes into play. Strengthening the pelvic floor muscle the pc/bc not only benifits erections,lasting longer and who know’s maybe penis growth.

These exercises help to keep you continent when you age.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Late to this post but I am learning about this now. Outside of my urologic injuries, my coccyx shifted after hitting the water with disastrous effects on my PC muscle integrity / function. My stamina and erection strength is abysmal now and kegels create spasms where the PC won’t hold the contraction.. Still researching how to fix it

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