Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The *too* long and winding road (There it is?)

The *too* long and winding road (There it is?)

I recently stumbled upon Thunder’s Place on accident - what a find. I should say that I have searched for a place like this before, but to no avail (I even ended getting hacked passwords to the sites that SELL this kind of information, though I didn’t actually pay for it.) Still, this site if much better,

As I said above, I have been interested in PE for a year or so (I was dedicated to my “sketchy schedule” for a week or so, but nothing consistent.) I will now start all over again, doing everything that I can for PE (I am a really just a newb.) Since I haven’t started yet, I will go about buying some measuring tape for measurements. I would like to record my size from the very beginning, so that I can see my progress. I would take pictures/measurements at the end of every month or so, and upload them to this site to help others in my newb situation (if more of such documentation is needed, I am *about* 6 in now… though I don’t have my tape yet) This brings up my first question: What is the average rate at which I might gain size? I am quite young, 18 years old. My veins (not just penis, all over my body) are large and pronounced. Is there any way of estimating this kind of thing? PE just seems like such long and winding road, as the Beatles say. I have to admit, I am a natural born skeptic… and I am not sure if this will work or not.

Anyway, I will try it with maximum effort. What sort or exercises do you recommend? wet/dry? I live with my family now, so obvious devices are not possible, besides… those weights are frightening. Also, I don’t really have the time to spend an hour working my penis. Lastly, although I have come to believe that most “penis enlargement pills” are scams… some supplements must work for something. Does anyone have any experience with a particular supplement aiding their growth/ejaculate volume?

- I realize that I might be an annoying newb.
- I realize that you all must get too many people like me.
- I have read around on this site, but would appreciate some opinions from the “vets.”
- I am already appreciative of the information that I have received just reading this site, but any feedback would help me immensely.

Thanks again!

Yes you are an annoying newbie, and no, PE doesn’t work.

That aside, welcome to Thunder’s. Check out the forum guidlines when you get a chance and get started on the newbie routine. Don’t waste your $ on pills and sups to get a bigger unit. H2o proper rest, and dedication will get you where you want to be. Do a search in the archives for L-Arginine, the consensus is that it can greatly increase load volume.

“What is the average rate at which I might gain size?”
I refuse to give any answer at all. My advise is don’t even go their. Plan on giving it 6 months and then re-evaluate.

Good luck!

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Welcome to the forum. Short and sweet:

Take good starting measurements or you’ll kick yourself later. Learn to measure bone pressed erect length properly and consistently, and do so from the beginning. Same for girth. Use a ruler for length and a tailor’s tape for girth.

Gains can’t be predicted. Some gain quickly in the beginning, but others don’t see any progress for several months.

The recommended starting routine is the Newbie Routine, found within the sticky thread at the top of the Newbie Forum. A variation is fine as long as you stick with the basics of warming up, stretching and jelqing. Keep it simple and don’t overtrain.

As far as wet or dry, I prefer dry jelqing. How well it will work for you depends on how much shaft skin you have to work with. I’m cut, but loosely, so I never had much problem. YMMV.

Forget about supplements for PE. Think of them as paysites in a bottle. ;)

Originally Posted by hobby

*cough* *cough* What?! ;)

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."

Good advice there Lumo, especially the *cough**cough* bit.

I would go even further and say take good starting pictures if you can, otherwise you will be kicking yourself later.
Oh yeah, Welcome and good luck :D

Starting Pictures.........

ABSOLUTELY take starting pix….and always with a ruler or something else like a standard beer bottle or can / gillette shaving can (international) right beside your dick in the photograph so you can gauge your improvement. We forget just how wonderful our gains are, and it’s great to have on hand the proof that PE works.

Welcome to the forum.

Rob, "the person formerly known as P9"

This is a PENIS ENLARGEMENT FORUM, and whether it's tiny, medium or already huge, you are equally welcome to share how you grow it bigger and what this means to you!!!

Thank you all for that great advice and support. I think that Thunder’s is one of the best sites that I have ever discovered. Most other sites I’ve come across involving PE are filled with egocentric dicks (pun quasi-intended.)

Perhaps I was naïve to ask about rates. I will just stop thinking that way and do the exercises dedicatedly.

Once I buy my measuring tape (I’ve been busy) I will take measurements and pics.

Andrew, I read about your starting routine - I think I’ll try to reproduce it. I am now in a similar situation to the one you were in when you started: no privacy. In the shower will work best for me.

Thank again, everyone!

Originally Posted by hobby
Take good starting measurements or you’ll kick yourself later…

Been there, done that. Kicking myself, that is. So mark hobby’s words, take good starting measurements! :D

oct\'04: nbpel 15.5 cm / 6.1", eg 14.5 cm / 5.7"

goal...: nbpel 20.0 cm / 8.0", eg 18.0 cm / 7.0"

Wow, this thread is old.

By the way, I did take starting pics, but haven’t seen much of an increase since I really haven’t been dedicated enough.

I should really change that…

What you put into it is what you can expect to get out. Good luck

I don’t get around enough of the forum as I should and perhaps people are happy for that. At any rate, this seemed to be a great post from a newbie. Well thought out and presented. Although you haven’t invested the time you think you should into getting the gains you want, I am glad you are still traveling this long and winding road. All good investments should come from hard work and time invested. Then what you’ve obtained would double in pleasure. At least I hope so. :)

You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.

Zig Ziglar


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