The truth about penis size
Hi peoples,
It’s my first intervention here on Thunder’s Place and because I was always very interested by the subject (with a history of 2 years of PE activity) I want to write down an extended copy of my intervention in another subject-related forum for debate and continuation. Here it is:
”Peoples seems to know nothing about subject; first, vagina’s depth is depending by 3 major factors: nativity, sexual activity and birthing.
My brother is a 60 year old gynecologist and tell me the numbers are something like that: 40%-20%-40%. Was sometime ago his Ph. D work of 15 years. So, ”size don’t matter” is just bullshit ! SIZE MATTERS ! And very much. The amount of pleasure is directly proportional with the amount of internal nerves excited alongside vaginal walls. Those nerves are not on the very surface of those walls but inside vaginal ”balloon” and when vagina is stretched those nerves are pushed outside. For that, it is ”recommended” a little more long penis that measured vaginal depth requires and even more a thicker penis ! This depending on the status of the woman: virgin, sexual activity, birthing, etc.. And is demonstrated that a woman with 3 births, for example, is WAY more deep in vagina that before birthing. More birthing means more extensible vagina, more slow reacting nervs.. In fact, for a multipaire woman, always is good to have a big cock ! Not same for a 19 year old girl with 5-6 sexual intercourses for the same reasons. And finally we have a word: ”from big we can make short/small, but viceversa not (or very very hard); and that’s a damn truth here. Knowing the average man are 5,5”, which fits an average virgin vagina, it’s good from nature. But further, nature won’t give help (because it suppose the goal was achieved: to perpetuate the genes). For that particular reason (woman’s with (many)births) are very sexually frustrated because theirs vagina can’t find a ”proper” penis anymore to give a proper excitement/orgasm (with the same partner/husband); again, for that reason, we have the universal ”sexual cheating” from both: man and woman’s. Man wanting same thing: excited nerves, and this can be done more proper with a tight vagina which cramp the penis. It’s all about physiology. But only a very small fraction of men have bigger penises than the average. I’m 5,5x5,5 and I’m not happy with that at all. Especially 99,9% of enlarging techniques/methods/pills/etc don’t work. Only a huge market opportunity (same like diets)
And as a conclusion: a big penis is ALWAYS desired !
P.S. As a result of the work the average vagina length for a multipaire woman (at least 2 births) was 7”, and extrapolating this for our debate THIS MEANS at least 8” penis, with a 9” been the IDEAL (almost double the average). For this, I can assure that the people who ”discover” a working method to enlarge the penis in a short non-invasive way, will be the richest man on the planet on all times. ”
Why that extra 1”-2” ? In part 2 of this message you will find the answer.
P.S. Excuse my weak english, please.