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TheraP wrist wrap users question?

TheraP wrist wrap users question?

I can still only start threads in the newbie forum, so if this needs to be moved please do so.

Is it okay to machine wash and dry, or machine wash and air dry the TheraP magnetic velcro wrist wrap. It doesn’t mention anything about care or maintenance on the box. I know it’s not that expensive to replace, but I just thought I’d ask. Wearing mine non-stop, sleeping, working out, etc., as a traction wrap has caused it to become a bit “ripe”. I hope this isn’t a stupid question, but I can almost see it “magnetizing” to the sides of the washer/dryer. I tried hand washing and air drying, but this only helped a little.

Any advise from TheraP wrap users would be much appreciated.


I don’t have the box for mine, but it does say handwash only on the label.

I guess there’s only one way to find out! I would think low temperatures should be best, as neoprene is a kind of rubber.


I’ve never worn mine enough to encounter this problem, but I do recall others in the forum mentioning that they had to purchase new ones.

Currently, I’ve been doing a post-workout cable clamp, which I feel is more effective. I’ll just do a quick wrap with a dress sock, position the clamp, kegel forcefully, then click it down tight. Awesome!

If you prefer the long-time wrap, why not try a FS hanger wrap? You can use ACE bandages, the self-adhering kind, which come in long rolls and are quite cheap. Pull the weinie out, wrap it good, and it remains in an extended state.

Thanks guys.


Two quick quick responses from senior members.

Much appreciated.

I think I’ll try a more thorough hand wash, maybe even a soapy soak. I’ve studied metallurgy in school, but I don’t know, can magnets rust? I know magnets would attract rust particles, if they happened to become present.

I’ve tried ACE traction wraps before, but it seems to eventually pinch my “sack”. Either that, or the “stretchiness” of it causes me to wrap too tight.

And WAD,

I just started experimenting with “unclicking” the clamp a bit after a clamped workout and keeping it on. Yes, a lot more sustained engorgement in comparison to a standard traction wrap. But I’m definitely a newbie, if not a virgin, to clamped work, so I always keep the release lever right on top for quick access. It’s quite a bit more noticeable in public than the TheraP wrap. Maybe I’ll get braver and position the release on the bottom for more discretion. But I do love the look of my penis when it’s mildly clamped, post-workout.

Thanks again & take care,


Hand wash it in Wool-lite and let it dry in a ventilated place, not a dryer. The Wool-lite will not stretch it and will keep the fabric soft.



Originally Posted by varg
Thanks guys.


Two quick quick responses from senior members.

Ha ha, I’m still a newbie really, I’ve just done a laod of posts!


Originally Posted by Melvin UK
Ha ha, I’m still a newbie really, I’ve just done a laod of posts!

I think Melvin’s making fun of me and my misuse of the term “newbie”:) .

Sorry. I was only referring to me being a “newbie” in my experience with clamps and clamped work. I’m still in the experimental stages with the clamps. But I know that I’m not a newbie in regards to many other PE techniques.

Thanks Avocet8, the Wool-lite hand wash seemed to work. I also let it soak in it for awhile.

I am going to use a post-workout clamp more often, with the TheraP in front of it. The clamp does sustain the engorgement longer and I can get it a lot tighter up against my PB than the wrap. I still want to use the wrap, farther down the shaft, for it’s supposed circulation benefits.

Thanks again,


Originally Posted by varg
I think Melvin’s making fun of me and my misuse of the term “newbie”:) .

Nah it’s just funny to think that I’m a “senior member”, I still think that I have loads to learn about PE, so I still consider myself a newbie. When I have 7.5” (gained an inch) or 5” girth maybe I won’t think like that.

So, did you wash it? Is it still held together?

Melv :)


Yeah Melvin,

It held together.

I bought the Wool-lite and a medium sized food container with a sealing lid. I hand washed it, then let it soak for an hour or so in the container, occasionally shaking it with the lid on.

I definitely smells a lot better. The backing on the wrap is more “frizzy” now, though.



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