ThermiPaq Replacement Time for Pumping? Alternative Recommendations?

How long does a ThermiPaq generally last before needing to be replaced?

I have found the TermiPaq hot-cold wrap to be a great tool for applying heat while pumping. I can’t remember when I bought mine, but it has been several years. Due to my intermittent PE activity, my estimate is I have used it in the range of 150-300 times. Of course, I’m not keeping count so I have to estimate. I realize that is a big range. But it certainly has been used more than 100 times and less than 300.

I have noticed recently that I have to heat it for a longer period of time for it to get to the heat level I prefer. I recall in the past heating it for around a minute and it doing the job. Seems that now even with one minute and 45 seconds it’s not staying hot enough. And now it seems to also lose its heat level faster. The microwave I use is the same unit.

Thus, my thought is buy a new wrap. The alternative is continue to continue heating it for longer and longer periods of time but I’m not sure if that is a good idea.

Also, any thoughts on alternative wraps for wrapping around a pump tube are appreciated! Thanks for any replies!