Thunder's Place

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Thinking of buying Power Jelq device. Is it gd?

Thinking of buying Power Jelq device. Is it gd?


Its ok. It can be dangerous. I have one and stopped using it. Want to buy one second hand?

By the way you should really read the forum guidelines sometime.

Originally posted by memento
Its ok. It can be dangerous. I have one and stopped using it. Want to buy one second hand?

By the way you should really read the forum guidelines sometime.

why is it dangerous? what about pumper?

You can put intense presure (far more than your hands can manage) on delicate parts of the penis (like the dorsal nerve).

What about a pumper?

What are you really asking here? You seem to be looking for ways to grow very quickly. Whats the hurry? If it were possible to grow the penis 2” in a couple of months by taking a pill every day we’d all be doing it :)

When it comes to basic questions like this and your previous posts, you should have a look in the newbie forum and see if they have been answered already (they probably have) and if not start a new thread there .

I have a PJ device and like it. I switch between it and manual to keep variety in my workouts. I definitely suggest having at least three months of manual jelqing under your belt (so to speak) before using the PJ. There are lots of post about the PJ — use the forum search engine to find other’s opinions.

hi gotagrip,

nice first post.

You’re right I’ve counted over 20 powerjelq users and opinions vary. Here’s a search.

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