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Power Jelq device

Power Jelq device

I´ve heard that you make one of these at home. Anybody got a guide to build it??

And does it work good?

Hi eidish,

before you throw yourself into building your very own Power Jelq replica, please check out this kitchen tool - a jar lifter to be more precise - that looks exactly and will operate exactly like the Power Jelq device! Go take a look:

This kitchen tool, however, only costs $4.75. So, do your wallet, yourself and your wife a favor by purchasing the jar lifter thing instead.



Daily PE routine:

a) 2 min towel hot-wraps
b) 180 PC exercises
c) 6 x 1 min straight stretches
d) 2 min towel hot-wraps
e) 400 jelqs
f) 2 min towel hot-wraps

It looks just like a Power Jelq……..has anyone tried this jar lifter ??

I’ve been doing a bit of research into using a Jelq device and think it might help me start to gain girth, however I can’t seem to find any UK sites or stores that stock these Jar Lifting/Tong things. Do any of you guys know where I could try and get one from ?

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Pe_Dude, that is exactly what the device looks like, and I’m one of the guys PT Barnum talked about, because I bought the “non kitchen” model :-(


You could try a kitchen store - one of those specialty places that sells pots, pans and all kinds of utensils. I presume there are stores like that in the UK. Once you get the tongs, the padding is easy to add.


Yeah I’ve been to all the local kitchen stores, and checked all the UK sites and just can’t seem to find any canning paraphernalia what so ever…….I guess we just don’t can over her !?!?
I have not given up though, especially as every time I see one of these things I think how much of a great pump it would give :D

Jar lifters are used by people who do their own canning. They are for removing the cooked item from a stock pot before sealing with paraffin wax. Jellies and the such. Try looking up similar headings in a regional phone directory. But, I like it also. It doesn’t look too difficult to make a cut in the center of the gripping edge and insert a rubberized roller. The hard part looks like spreading the cut edges apart without creating too much shearing force at the hinge. Unless you removed a little material from the center of the cut, rather than just cutting it in two separate halves. And I don’t know how hard it would be to find a rubberized roller. Or even one with bearings that would match the outer dimensions of the gauge of the metal used.

I feel like a little bity worm on a great big hook.

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