Thunder's Place

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This horny bastard can't stay erect for jelqs

You’ll get used to PE and develop more control over your erection level. It requires practice.

Originally Posted by DingleDangle
I too have problems with not getting an erection during jelqs, I think it’s psychical, I just can’t! But with some lube and stroking or some porn I get the erection up and going. The sensation from applying heat pre and during the session also gets me harder!

Hope this helps,

It takes practice.


I like your question. I had a girlfriend about 10 years ago who wanted to discover exactly that. She knew I could keep going almost indefinitely, so she wanted to push me to the limit, just for curiosity’s sake. After the eigth time in one day however she was beat- her pussy was hurting- so I had to go solo the rest of the way! I got to around 17 and finally came up empty. About the only thing that can stymie my sex drive are sedative drugs like tranquilizers and benzos, which I take the odd time to help me sleep.

Jesus Christ man! I remember when I was around 18 I wacked off 7 times in one day, and I thought that was a lot.

I used to masturbate once a day or more, but now that I’ve been doing PE over 5 months I just don’t feel the need anymore.
It’s almost like I have to find a good time between PE sessions to have a good self-pleasuring time. Otherwise I just save it for sex.

I’d say jelq with less erection but squeeze hard enough that you can feel a good jelq.
I would normally recommend NOX2 or some kind of arginine supplement, but I think that would be a dangerous weapon in your hands. :chuckle:

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

I got onto erect jelqs because after going at lesser erect jelqs for about a week I noticed I wasn’t getting the red dots on my dick anymore. I think-maybe foolishly-that getting the red dots is a telltale sign of how good your PE session went. The pump my dick gets from jelqing fully erect is a sight to behold. I’ve got decent pre PE girth at about 6” midshaft; but after a good 85%-100% erect session my unit is just massive. I just can’t get this kind of swelling from jelqing at lower levels. Maybe as my fingers strengthen it will become feasible. I was also reading Krowax’s posts not too long ago, and he made great gains through high erection level jelqing. But If you guys think lower level erection works maybe I’ll give it a try.

Lower erection level would probably be better in my case anyway. I only want .5 inches in girth, but I’d still be happy with none. What I really want is length-2 inches worth. That would be a dream.

Good luck huffduck, and might I add you are certainly living up to your avatar!

If you’re looking for ways to stay erect, yes, I’d say don’t jerk off so much first. Second, buy a 4 dollar Adult DVD and play it when you are jelqing, and when you get so aroused you have a full erection pause the dvd, I guess I am not taking into consideration if you have the money, dvd player, tv, or a way to get porn. But porn seems to do the trick for staying aroused.

Just make sure you have a dry towel around to pause the tape or you might get your ky jelly all over the pause and play buttons. : )

BPEL: 6.20" BPEG: 4.55" 9/1/2004

Currently 6.95" x 4.75" (5" at base)

I should have stated this from the get go, but I have reduced my jerk sessions quite significantly. (That’s jerk not jelq!) I’ve been limiting masturbation to one a day. And this is precisely the point I’ve been trying to make: despite normally jerking off 8 times a day, holding an erection for me is very difficult- even when I cut back on wacking off. The problem is that there’s just nothing arousing about pounding one’s manhood in mulch.

I’ll give porno a try I guess-when I get a new tv-but I don’t know why this would be better than pictures. Maybe it will be.

Jeff Foxworthy spin off

You probably have callouses on you dick jerking off that much. And I hate to tell you. But it isn’t healthy jerking off that much. It’s so bad you can’t hold an erection?

Here’s a test for you
If you can’t make and hold an erection without touching yourself. You either have weak erections or you might be jerking off to much.

Here’s another test, with a partner this time:
If you can’t hold an erection while inserted without thrusting, you might be jerking off to much.

If your love making more so resembles rabbits fucking you might be jerking off to much.

if the skin on you dick has holes you might be jerking off to much

If Vaseline companies invite you to company parties and you don’t work for them, you might be jerking off to much

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Originally Posted by deadeye3200

If Vaseline companies invite you to company parties and you don’t work for them, you might be jerking off to much

Absolutely hilarious.

You guys are wimps compared to my hero, Sooty. ;)

(124.0 KB, 67 views)

Originally Posted by Redwood1981
I would normally recommend NOX2 or some kind of arginine supplement, but I think that would be a dangerous weapon in your hands. :chuckle:

And back to the news, horny man on killing spree…

Sootys my hero as well.

So you cut back to once a day. Thats 7 times a week. and around 30 times a month. Wow
You should change your name to Wacko or something to that effect.
Or maybe get a hobby.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Last edited by deadeye3200 : 09-19-2004 at .

I have days when I wax my dolphin to the limit, call to all my old girl friends and try to get them to have sex with me.

But usually my hand will have to do.

8 times a day, everyday sounds bit too much, I have that only on my horny days, try to cut back on the wanking is a good advice I think.

Looking to be a kiwi.

I’ll flog the Dolphin twice a week. There’s nothing wrong with spanking the monkey every now and then. Hell sometimes I’ll choke the chicken three times a week.

But 8 a day. I just can’t get over this. What else can you do you’re literally jerking off your entire day.

8x7= 56 times a week

56x4 = 224 times a month

lets say 10 mins a round (low estimate id say )
2240 minutes or
37 hours 30 minutes of jerking off a month.
Thats almost two entire days out of the month.

Now you couple PE on top of this. What else do you have time for?

This is not right we need to have an intervention with Huff.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.


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