Thunder's Place

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This horny bastard can't stay erect for jelqs



Don’t take this the wrong, as I only want to help by suggesting things.

It sounds like you may have an generalized anxiety or panic disorder. More likely, panic, and your response is normal if that is true. It may explain the response thinking of women versus being there with them.

It is not a big deal to cope with, so go check out this with a google search if you choose to look into it.

That said, try some Viagra or Cialis. Get relaxed, and do NOT think about it. Just do it. If it does not do right, do not dwell or obsess on it because it will do right one day. This is a mood or cognitive thing.

However, in the beginning, some newbies do not have the conditioning down there to withstand the pressure of jelq. That could be the problem.

If it makes you feel any better, I had the exact same problem in the beginning and I dreaded the 80% plus jelq. It got so sore. That will gradually go away with conditioning and experience. Mood is another problem here, which gets back to the panic thing.

You sound normal to me.


I’m not talking marathon sessions here for Christ’s sake, I’m talking quickies: 2 minutes a piece, maybe a little more. I do it exactly because I have a life and I want to enjoy it without the distraction of being horny all the time. So I deplete my tank.

Lets say I’m just doing some reading for school. Things are proceeding apace, I’m processing the information readily for the pending test or whatever. All of sudden I feel a slight jarring around my loins. Somebody’s awake. Should I just go on reading despite having a boner as you would have me do? NO fucking way! Instead I do the only sensible thing a man with my drive could do. I just put my book aside for a second, roll over into a comfortable position, and after a few minutes…presto, I’m ready to resume my studies without interference.

And for the record I don’t have trouble staying erect for women. Ever.

What’s the big fucking deal. Let me ask you this: and answer honestly. Do you have a T.V? You probably do. So I could just as easily say get the fuck off your ass and start enjoying life.
I don’t have a T.V, nor have I had one for 5 years.

The average American watches 52 hours of television a week. I personally think this stat is an exagerration. I like to think a little more highly of Americans for some reason. Lets go with 4 hours a day and be conservative.

4hrsx5=20hrs on weekdays
6hrs(everyone watches more on weekends)x2=12 on weekends

12+20=32 hours total per week.

I spend a maximum of 1 hour a day jerking off. Usually it’s much less. So let me get this straight: I’m the one wasting my whole day.


I agree most TV watching is a waist of time. I personally watch educational like the History channel and news.
But I’m not the one that has a problem keeping an erection. In fact I have the opposite problem. I have to start with almost a full erection because it wont go down. So my TV watching doesn’t seem to be effecting my erection.

So you’re young I can remember jerking off allot when I was younger. I think the most I’ve ever done was 4 in a day.
Also I’ve noticed the more you do it the more you want to do it. And the less you do it the less you want to do it. Masturbation isn’t satisfying it only makes your hornier.

For instance, when I have sex with a women and it’s good sex. I can go like three days without hardly thinking of sex. I’m completely satisfied. I’ve never masturbated and been satisfied for even an hour.

You asked for advice. almost to a man everyone that has given advice says your masturbating to much.

Your not talking to Nuns here. We all jerk off here. We are really jerk off experts. We know the cycle the temptations the rewards and the draw backs. And one of the draw backs is the quality of your erection.

You also missing out on having big orgasms. I’ll admit it i have a hard time not masturbating. I know the less I masturbate the better sex will be. And the longer you wait the bigger the orgasm can be.

Masturbating and sex is two different things.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Dead eye et all

I know just about everyone here is advising me to jerk off less. If you go back through one of my posts you’ll see that I’ve cut it down to 1 a day.

I have a problem with some of the criticism, I’ll admit. I’m thin skinned, and I’ve never been this exposed; so bear with me.

To me it makes about as much sense to tell a guy he’s jerking off too much as it does to tell a guy with diabetes that he should just start producing more insulin naturally; or telling someone with some kind of pathology that he should just somehow expel the disease.

In any normal distribution someone’s got to fall on the extremes of the curve, just like a few guys have 12+ inch long cocks and others have cocks that are .5inches. So in jerk off frequency I’m on the far end of the bell curve. Big deal, someone’s got to be there.

What exactly is the harm here anyway? When I’m comitted, as I’ve said, I jerk off less, so it doesn’t affect my sex life with real live women at all. It boils down to different strokes for different folks.

You can’t possibly understand what it’s like not to jerk off and then go to school or to work
only to see herds of beautiful women with bursting breasts. It drives me crazy. I just have to get the itch out of the system. I’d prefer it if we were living under Islam and women were forced to cover up. But until that happens I’ll have to work with the tools I’ve got. And that means my dick.

Last edited by huffduck : 09-22-2004 at .


I am NOT telling you to jerk off less. You have the testosterone pumping and when you have an urge, I understand the need to satisfy it. I suppose you are in your twenties or late teens. Many guys are the same as you. I once did it 13 times in one day when I was 16 (Oh I wish………

I guess I misunderstood your issue. I thought it was trouble maintaining an erection when jelquing. I don’t know how it got off on this.

So, scratch my panic advice. If you do fine with the ladies, then great. But the rest is good advice on jelquing. I personally do not think there is a very significant correlation between jerking, jelqing and PE gains. So, have at it. However, I remember, like you, in my youth how it would get in the way of stuff. On the other hand, cutting back is murder too. Sometimes an ejac brings a release of nervous tension which builds up from desire, so I’d say go with your urges.

I am now uncertain of why I even posted on this string. Sorry.


You would probably be surprised to know that I’m actually 31 as of september 13. The kicker is that I never even jerked off in highschool. All I cared about in highschool was working out. I never really cared about girls. The first time I jerked off was when I was 20 and was studying engineering at University. I guess you could say I was a late bloomer.

Then if you can’t hold an erection while jelqing. And it’s not from jerking off 8 times a day. What do you think is the problem Huff? To much TV when you were a teenager?

And don’t insult my intelligence with this jerk off analogy, equating jerking off with a disease.

A Huff Quote:
I have a problem with some of the criticism, I’ll admit. I’m thin skinned, and I’ve never been this exposed; so bear with me.

Come on are you joking. Your typing on a message board. It’s anonymous. No one knows who you are. I don’t think thats a real picture of you posted. I doubt thats your real name. You more exposed to peoples’ opinion sitting at a red light a 12 noon on Saturday.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

I’m through with this thread. It was ridiculous to start with. Just think about how many times I could have jerked off in the time I wasted.


You know exactly what my analogy meant though. That’s why it’s called an analogy. I never pretended to equate the two. I was just making a point.


I do bear a striking resemblance to my avatar.

Good luck Huff

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.


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