Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Three month update

Three month update

Well, it looks like the dick is continuing to grow. The thing that really trips me out is the BPFSL. One night I even managed to pull a 7” BPFSL. That was definitely weird- in a good way.

Here are the links for my one month and two month updates for newbies who might possibly gain something from them.

Here’s the first month and the second month you will find here.

After just re-reading my first month update I’ve got to issue a disclaimer/apology- geesh, I was friggin excited.

I’m still excited. Especially because everything continues to improve. In fact, as I was sitting back and watching my chick perform fellatio on me last night, I could definitely tell that there was just a bit more length to the ole’ rod. That was the first time I’ve actually seen it looking longer. Probably really start to see a change upwards of .5” increase. That said, I’m still skeptical because that’s just the way I am.

When I first joined Thunders I had a kind of false start where I got a little newbie bump and then promptly lost it all after two weeks of inactivity. However, this time I’m in the game for good and despite my skepticism, I could obviously tell there was a little more room for her to jerk on as she sucked me off last night. Now when she goes down kind of deep, she can still keep her (small) hand down at the bottom without making too much of an effort. Then, upon insertion (she on top), she gave me what amounts to her third suspicious remark since I’ve been PE’ing. “GOD, it’s LONG!” Since we’re definitely out of the “honeymoon phase” she stopped complimenting my pecker quite awhile ago, but now, three months into PE, she’s mysteriously started talking about my “big dick” again- although really, “bigger dick” might be the more appropriate term….or, say, “less average”.

The only changes to my routine have been that I’m now PE’ing about 4-5 days on with one day off and that I’m now wearing 3 golf swing weights as much as I can. I really feel that the golf swing ADS (all day stretch) is helping me along, especially since I’ve been kind of helter skelter this month. I’d go seven days in a row, skip two and then go back on schedule and then miss another two days. However, the golf swing weights I’ve been totally solid on. wearing them everyday- even on off days.

One thing I’m suspecting is that most of my gains seem to be coming from periods where I’m hitting it hard and heavy for upwards of five days in a row. During phases like this I can see a huge increase in flaccid and also in erection power. While I initially thought that the “resting phase” was necessary (as in bodybuilding) and while I still think it’s way more important when your super-newbie, I now think that part of the way we’re getting our dicks to grow is by pounding them into submission in a way that causes them to just kind of say, “shit, what now??? At that point, where your dick is thoroughly worked, you can almost feel your dick relaxing and letting go, the ligs hanging a little more free.

My goal for next month is to go 6 days on and 1 day off and up my ADS a little by switching from 3 golf swing weights (15 ounces) for ADS to 2 Monty’s weights (20 ounces) and see if I can keep the newbie gains coming.

I did experience an extremely slight spate of discoloration which I’ve halted in it’s tracks totally after educating myself on it and concluding that my warmup/warm down was to slight and not intense enough to prepare the tissues and also to flush the crap (hemosiderin) that is believed to be the source of discoloration. If you don’t want to discolor THEN GET YOUR DICK HOT both BEFORE and AFTER you do your routine. After I do my rice sock I now immerse my unit in a quart ball jar full of REALLY HOT water and then press it up on my pubis making a seal. This gets your pecker thoroughly heated and since I’ve been doing it, the little bit of discoloration I had (around circ scar) has been going away.

Third month: girth stable. Added another 1/8 in BPEL and watched as BPFSL continues to skyrocket. Oh how I wish my BPFSL was my BPEL!!!!

Some people around here say that’s how it works: BPFSL growth precedes BPEL growth. I sure hope so.

Here’s to drillin’ em’ hard and deep on Valentines day boys!!!

Good update report wantsmore. It looks like PE is working for you well which is inspiring. Keep up the good gains man.

Current 2/17/06 BPEL: 6.5" EG: 5.5" Goal: BPEL: 8.0" EG 6.5"

Nice work wants, It’s good to know that all this knowledge is being put to good use. Keep up the gains.

I know what you mean about the still being skeptical. I have gained almost an inch in length and 1/8 of an inch in girth in 3 months and I still have a little skepticism. Weird but that’s just my thought process.

Start nov05 6.313" BPEL x 5.250" EG

Current 7.5" BPEL(goal reached!) x 5.375" EG

Goal 7.5" BPEL x 6.25" EG

sumyunguy wrote:

<<<I know what you mean about the still being skeptical. I have gained almost an inch in length and 1/8 of an inch in girth in 3 months and I still have a little skepticism. Weird but that’s just my thought process.>>>

Now that’s funny. The way I’m going I could end up in the same boat as you. Let me ask you this; do you see a difference in sex? it seems to me that at about +1” it’s got to be noticeable visually and also in sexual positions. I’ve found that 6”, while certainly enough, is a limitation in terms of certain positions (side by side) and can be a drag in others (with her on top because it pops out when she really starts to lose herself and hump uncontrolably). If you’re sexually active right now have you found any improvement in these areas sumyunguy? And good work by the way. Would you mind posting your routine?

Yes both my wife and I have noticed a difference in sex, especially with what you are talking about the “slipping out”.

My routine is 30min of 5 way stretches and then 250 slow wet jelqs at about 70% to 80% erection followed up with about 30 jelq squeezes. And of course a 5min warmup and warm down. I do this every other day. I have a clamp but haven’t used it yet. I’m going to wait till I hit a long plateau of a month or longer.

Start nov05 6.313" BPEL x 5.250" EG

Current 7.5" BPEL(goal reached!) x 5.375" EG

Goal 7.5" BPEL x 6.25" EG

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