Thrombosed Veins vs. Increased Vascularity
Being the PEr that I am, I noticed that I have some veins that are more prominent than before. One by the base (single vein that splits into 2 travelling up the penis) and one on the underside. Naturally, I searched to make sure everything was ok. Always a terrible idea. I came across words such as Mondor’s disease, thrombosis, blood clot, etc. However, as usual, the sites and descriptions of symptoms were not consistent. Self diagnosing is always bad, so I would like to ask more experienced people of your opinion.
My “symptoms” (not really symptoms, nothing seems wrong) are:
- More prominent veins near right side of base. Not visible when flaccid, visible when erect, slightly visible just after erection subsides.
- No pain at all
- Squishy feeling, not hard (like vein on hand for example, soft)
I have to say, it amost seems like penile lenghtening has caused these to appear. My sense is that there is almost a suspension bridge effect happening, where lengthening caused the veins to raise a little. Being paranoid, I just want to be sure.
Problem solving with fire.