Tough girth gains and theory
I’ve always had a tougher time gaining girth over length (over the past 8 months I gained almost 0.85” EL, only 0.15” G). It’d be great if some fast/big girth gainers threw some advice this way.
However, my recent girth gains have come after a stagnant period of no girth gains for about 6 months. My theory is that this is due to a length/girth alternating day routine that I started. After reading up on the literature on this site I noticed that there’s a theory floating around that when we PE, we don’t increase the size/cell number of the tunica – we only thin it out during the PE process. Therefore, would it be likely that doing length exercises also thins the tunica, but in a different dimension relative to girth? Could it be possible that doing both length and girth will produce better gains in both aspects? I know this goes against alot of traditional PE theory so I could be completely off here.
Start: 5.50" x 4.60"
Now: 6.70" x 4.80" (Goal: 8.00" x 6.00")
Current routine - hanging/ads, clamping and bathmate