Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Tracking measurements ??

Tracking measurements ??

What are the best measurements to keep up with if you want to track your growth ?? I also saw a thread on pe terms that included the different types of measurements, but I have been looking for two days and can’t seem to find it.

You might want to use bone press measurements, it is a more accurate way of tracking gains down to a fraction of an inch. NBPEL (near bone press) is great for how we really look to others, not too many women break out a ruler on the first date, but for accurate measurements in PE bone press is the only way to go.
Use a wooden ruler, same one every time. When you are at your best erection pull down on you penis, you’ll see a small dimple at the base of the shaft, dorsal side. This small depression is caused from where the suspensory and fundiform ligaments wrap around your penis. That dimple is where you want to place the end of the ruler. Press down hard against the subcutaneous fat pad until the ruler is firmly against the pubic bone. Measure your length this way every time, preferably on your rest days. Your unit will always measure bigger after a hard workout. For girth, once again on your rest day at your best erection measure base, mid shaft and glands with a cloth tape measure. Also measure your cloth tape measure against your ruler for accuracy. Do it this way ever time and you will be able to accurately track your gains.

Good luck

Good luck

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by cyborg
I also saw a thread on pe terms that included the different types of measurements, but I have been looking for two days and can’t seem to find it.

lol. :)

Is this what you’re referring to?

Penis Enlargement FAQ (click glossary link).

For everything else, BG has covered it well.

A similar question answered:

How to measure your penis?

Last edited by ICM : 08-09-2004 at .
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