Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Unit Food

Unit Food


I’m putting thought into my PE and one side is my Unit needs to eat..

Now theres a lot of talk about eating herbs or special diets but I’m gonna man up and feed my unit directly.

This makes sense to me, I have researched the web on whether the body can take nutrients directly through the skin, and the answer is yes.

Firstly a bit of background - I was doing PE for about 6mths and stopped, I’ve just split up with my girlfriend after 14 mths and have time on my hands and am going to train the beast again, he has lost loads, no PE and I went down to 5.5 inch.

I started PE two days ago, and I know this sounds absurd but I’ve just put on half an inch and am just over 6.

Stretches and jelquing, I just figure it was so out of shape and has began to get back to normal.

So back to food, I have begun with Brazil nut body butter, this because I am feeding my piece brazil nuts directly, feels good and healthy.

Now the other thing I have begun is to use Muscle and Joint gel super plus - it’s got so much stuff in, it’s for bad backs and lots of old ladies swear
By the magic of it, recently I had a terrible bad back and used it and it worked wonders. My piece was aching after a session and used this
Gel ( which has about 15 oils in it ) and about half an hour later it was feeling much better.

I want next to get some vitamin E tablets crush them up and mix them with oil and apply to the unit.
Going to try and mix up some kind of protein shake powder and add oil and put inside a wrap and let it soak into the unit. Oil is
Thing which penetrates the skin and holds the substance I want to put into the unit.

I will report back with progress report, I am still looking for the right idea, I did consider using sardines for their high protein content but decided that I can’t have the unit smelling of sardines. Am considering cod oil capsules and breaking them down to faten up my unit.

If you do an internet search, you will find a number of sites that sell topical solutions that you apply to your junk to make it bigger, etc. As to wether they actually do anything for you, who knows.

I know a person who uses a form of topical viagra, works just like the pill but works in minutes and can be used on a full stomach.

There are also similar substances that you can inject into your junk with a syringe.

I myself apply vitamin enriched skin lotion to my unit in an effort to restore health to the skin and to try and bring back former sensitivity.

Just a word of caution: Whatever you are going to use, test it on another body part first just in case it burns. Skin in this region can be sensitive to certain chemicals.

Originally Posted by jusbuzz

…because I am feeding my piece brazil nuts directly, feels good and healthy….


There is nothing you can apply to your dick topically that will make it grow. All of those things you mentioned are unlikely to penetrate past the skin. So you will have nice healthy skin on your penis, which isn’t a bad thing, but I doubt it will affect any inner tissues.

Your penis doesn’t need food. It doesn’t burn energy or synthesize amino acids out of fuel. While it contains smooth muscle, it is not a muscle like the biceps. Do not insert whole nuts directly into your urethra! lol

Last edited by Tweaking : 08-30-2011 at .

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