Unofficial survey, please participate
Hey guys I want to do an unofficial survey. There has been recent research done on the 2D:4D ratio which is supposed to indicate how much testosterone was present during a certain time period in the womb. This ratio is thought to coincide with things such as genital development and athletic ability among other things. So I would like people to measure their Index (2D) and ring (4D) fingers and divide 2D/4D and post the following:
2D length
4D length
(For both hands, indicate which)
And the ratio for both
Starting stats before PE
And which hand is dominate
I am wanting to see if there is some connection between 2D:4D and genital size, and if there ratio has any play in hand dominance.
Attached is a picture detailing how to measure.
Thanks for your participation!
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Last edited by cantwaittogain : 05-04-2011 at . Reason: Spelling