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Using tight cock ring to expand flaccid

Using tight cock ring to expand flaccid

I have a really tight cock ring

Like so

And when I am flaccid it basically cuts off all circulation and my flaccid gets really plump, my veins pop out like crazy, and it starts to turn red.

I put it on while flaccid and didn’t really like having the entire penis engorged as It scared me that I might cut it off too long and kill it! I went to take it off and rolled it up my penis till it was right under the cusp. It took all the blood with it to the tip and my head engorged bigger than my erect glans get.. WHILE flaccid, the head looked great and I would like the head to get that big while flaccid, it would make my penis look twice and big and much more attractive. See I feel like I have a small head compared to my shaft.

I was amazed holding my penis, it felt so much heavier with the bigger head, it hung just right! It was awesome to see my flaccid that size!

Basically I was wondering if anyone else had done this, and if it would be considered clamping since clamping is done erect.

Also would this benefit me and give me any size or am I doing nothing and putting my penis in danger.

PS. I only did it for about 7 minutes, it never tingled or anything.

If you did it for only 7 minutes, what’s the point? You could just get into clamping (which sounds scary for me anyway).

I only did it for 7 minutes to be cautious, I was not planning on using it to PE, but when I saw the effects I thought I might be onto something, So I left it on for a bit.. Then after about 7 minutes I got scared and took it off. That’s why I came here, so I could check if it would be okay, and if it’s a waste of my time before I go for a longer time

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